Our top IT specialists
All specialists underwent a thorough scoring and evaluation
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Our top IT specialists
All specialists underwent a thorough scoring and evaluation
Pavel Skrebnev
Software developer in Tests
Agile, gradle, Java, Jira, Manual Testing, MySQL, Project Management, QA, Regression Testing, Selenium, Software Development, SQL, Defect tracking, SDLC, Subversion, Automation Testing, Test Cases, Test Planning, Test Strategy, Selenium IDE, User acceptance testing
Vladimir Ulyanov
Senior backend software engineer
Axapta, Back-end, C++, DDD, Docker, Git, Hibernate, Jira, Kotlin, PostgreSQL, Scala, Software Development, Spark, Xcode, Ansible, Bitbucket, Google Cloud Platform, Groovy, J2EE, JDBC, JPA, JSP, JUnit, Kubernetes, SOLIDWORKS, Subversion, Swing, Teaching Mathematics, TeamCity, Terraform, CI/CD methodologies, RnD
Kirill Prazdnikov
Software developer
C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Objective-C, Scrum, Software Development, Design Patterns, Eclipse, J2SE, JavaServer Faces (JSF), JUnit, Object-oriented design, Subversion, Visual Studio, Win32 App Development, Design, Ant, Win32 api, Algorithms, Multithreading, OOP, Software Engineering
Boris Solovyev
C++ Developer
C++, Git, Linux, .NET, Python, Scrum, Software Development, Windows, Algorithm Development, Apache Subversion, Confluence, Mac Os Apps, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), VMware, Winsock, Wireshark, Vmware esxi, Algorithms, Management of the company, Development management
Michail Etinger
Java, Security
Angular, Docker, Git, Hibernate, Java, Java EE, Jira, MySQL, OpenCV, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Spring, SQL, TypeScript, Bitbucket, Confluence, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, JavaServer Faces (JSF), JDBC, Maven, PrimeFaces, RESTful API, Spring Boot, Subversion, Vaadin, Web Crawler, Ibm websphere, Java Persistence API, Tomcat