Python backend developer

The company provides comprehensive IaaS and PaaS solutions tailored to various business categories, from individual entrepreneurs to large corporations.


The project involves client-server applications that handle requests from Jira through the REST API, store data in a database, and synchronize with various services. These applications use a Python + Flask backend and a VueJS frontend styled with either Foundation or Tailwind. Backend and frontend components communicate via REST API. Additionally, the system includes synchronization with third-party services like LDAP, the Central Bank of Russia, Kontur.Focus, and the Jira Software database. Integration with services such as Diadoc, Yandex.Food, Telegram, Rocket.Chat, and Huntflow is also required.


 • Experience in development - 8 years or more.

 • Experience with Python at least 3.7 from 5 years.

 • SQLAlchemy (versions 1.4 and 2).

 • Familiarity with libraries: Requests, Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-Migrate, Flask-CORS, Werkzeug, Gunicorn, Apscheduler, Dramatiq, PyJWT, LDAP3.

 • Experience with customizing REST APIand MV* pattern.

 • Experience with PostgreSQL database through ORM.

 • Knowledge of database relationships and SQL query writing.

 • Familiarity with GitLab CI/CD and GIT.

Work format: remote

Part-time work