Isoboi Mahkami Komilzodi
Velox Software LLC
Responsibilities: Senior Web Developer in the project. Features: applying best practices in AngularJS and JavaScript, managing a team of 6 people. Achievements: completed development of a cross-browser game (single page app) for learning. languages using SVG (in English and Spanish). Front-end-AngularJS. Design-CSS (custom). Bugfix in an AngularJS project that is loaded inside the iOS app. Participated in the development process (as a freelancer).
Uyut Service
EMCD is a new generation service for solving all maintenance tasks real estate. From scratch, I developed a frontend in the EMCD service. Initially, we started with Angular 4. Then we upgraded to Angular 7. This service includes such modules as news, documents, chat, live stream, payment, visual display of houses and apartments (Checkerboard). My responsibilities included: - Developing applications in Angular. - Creating Angular libraries. - Processing forms with a large amount of data. - Optimizing the application. - Server-side rendering (SSR) with Angular Universal.
- Project management; - Implementation of new components in the existing project; - Bug fixes; - Support for the existing code base; - Collaboration with other team members. - Code review.