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Registration: 23.05.2024

Andrey Beskrovnykh

Specialization: Java Architect Team Lead



Development of a web application to optimize business processes in a large international company. ● Supported the application at the stage of commercial operation, developed and optimized SQL queries. ● Developed new services and designed their internal architecture taking into account best practices and OOP patterns.


● Participated in the design and development of a distributed system for monitoring the vital signs of patients in the intensive care unit using Kafka. ● Developed a distributed web application for document management, implemented Camunda on the project. ● Set up CI on the project. ● Developed new functionality in the Spring stack, wrote unit and integration tests. ● Maintained the application by fixing bugs, optimizing performance.

ARQA Technologies

Development of a desktop application that allows brokers to perform various transactions with securities on the stock exchange. ● Supported limit calculation libraries, which are actively used by Russian banks. ● Various algorithms for calculating commissions on securities transactions have been implemented. ● A desktop application has been developed that allows you to test the limit calculation library, select tests to run and display the regression percentage. ● Participated in improving CI/CD processes and implemented new functionality using BDD and SOLID principles.


Spring Web
Spring Data
Hibernate ORM

Work experience

Software Developer
since 06.2023 - Till the present day |NDA
Java 17, Spring Boot 3.0, RabbitMQ, JUnit, Mockito, Docker, GitLabCI, Hibernate
● Developed a fintech solution for factoring, implemented incremental assembly in the assembly pipeline, integrated microservices using REST and JMS, used multithreading and caching to speed up key operations in banking services from 1.5 hours to 5 seconds. The incidents with Camunda and Keycloak were promptly resolved with the team. ● Designed and developed a semantic search engine based on generative AI and AWS serverless architecture. The advantage of this system is that it takes into account syntactic and semantic relevance. Due to this, the user receives an answer to the question he asked. The following tasks were completed: – Selection and adaptation of a generative AI model for semantic text analysis. – Development of architecture on AWS Lambda, API Gateway, SQS and DynamoDB + vendor for storing Pinecone attachment vectors. – Testing and optimization to ensure low latency and high availability. – Implement parallel search (horizontal scaling) using AWS Step Functions. ● Designed a video hosting system based on MinIO, calculated the load, traffic, and cost of the solution. Data compared to a boxed solution, decision making has provided. ● Implemented improvements to the backend part of the payment system for restaurants, introduced monitoring, ci, implemented integration with several payment gateways for incoming payments, for this purpose developed a target architecture and carried out refactoring. ● Developed a scalable bulk messaging solution for Telegram on RabbitMQ.
Java Developer
06.2022 - 05.2023 |ProIT
Java 11, Spring, Hibernate, Camunda, Keycloak, PostgreSQL, MongoDb, Redis, ActiveMQ, Kafka, Kafka Streams, TestContainers, MockServer, Mockito, JUnit, Microservices, JMeter, Docker, Kubernetes, OpenAPI
● Participated in the design and development of a distributed system for monitoring the vital signs of patients in the intensive care unit using Kafka. ● Developed a distributed web application for document management, implemented Camunda on the project. ● Set up CI on the project. ● Developed new functionality in the Spring stack, wrote unit and integration tests. ● Maintained the application by fixing bugs, optimizing performance.
Senior Java Developer at MOEX
06.2022 - 05.2023 |Moscow Exchange, JSC
Java 11, Kotlin, Spring, Spring Cloud, Jenkins, Mockito, JUnit
● Was involved in supporting a distributed web application - a solution in the field of finance. those consisting of 20 microservices. ● Analysis of requirements, design of internal service architecture and development of high-level solution design. ● Development of new functionality on the Spring stack, writing unit and integration tests with functionality coverage > 80% ● Code refactoring and defect correction.
Software Engineer
08.2016 - 04.2022 |Xored
Java 8-11, Python, Spring, Struts, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, GraphQL, Jenkins, Spock, JUnit, JavaScript, JQuery, React, Redux, OpenAPI
Development of a web application to optimize business processes in a large international company. ● Supported the application at the stage of commercial operation, developed and optimized SQL queries. ● Developed new services and designed their internal architecture taking into account best practices and OOP patterns.
Software Engineer
06.2015 - 03.2016 |ARQA Technologies
Development of a desktop application that allows brokers to perform various transactions with securities on the stock exchange. ● Supported limit calculation libraries, which are actively used by Russian banks. ● Various algorithms for calculating commissions on securities transactions have been implemented. ● A desktop application has been developed that allows you to test the limit calculation library, select tests to run and display the regression percentage. ● Participated in improving CI/CD processes and implemented new functionality using BDD and SOLID principles.
Research Engineer
04.2014 - 04.2018 |Institute of Hydrodynamics named after. M.A. Lavrentiev SB RAS
JQuery, React, Redux, OpenAPI
● Developed a mathematical model for the purification of liquid media from toxic chlorophenol compounds. ● Developed an algorithm for finding an approximate solution and proved a theorem on the global solvability of the problem of growth of hyperelastic material used to describe carcinoma. ● Conducted a series of numerical experiments, for which he developed an algorithm for finding an approximate solution. ● The results were published in the Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics.
Software Engineer
06.2011 - 10.2013 |Ledas
● Developed a desktop application for laser welding by projecting the laser head path onto 3D objects imported from programs such as AutoCad. ● The problem of traversing the vertices of a three-dimensional object was solved and a piecewise smooth interpolation algorithm based on Gregory patches was developed.

Educational background

Applied Mathematics and Informatics
Till 2012
Novosibirsk State University (National Research University)


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