Abylaikhan Tussupov
TOO LimeOn Global Company
• Developed a translator application called Soylem. • Developed an application for parsing pages from news sites to fill the database for the dictionary. Technologies: C#, Windows Forms, ADO.NET. • Developed WinRT application "Mobile Workplace" - a task management application. Technologies: WinRT, ASP.NET MVC, ADO.NET. MS SQL. • Worked on the online translator “Soylem Online”. Technologies: ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, Bootstrap, JQuery, AJAX. • Worked on the development of the company's internal CRM system. Technologies: SharePoint, C#, JavaScript, ASP.NET, MS SQL. • Worked on the project “Collective Work System of Baiterek Holding”. Technologies: SharePoint, C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, MS SQL, PowerShell, AJAX, REST. • Worked on the Corporate portal for “Eurasian Resources Group”. Technologies: SharePoint, C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, MS SQL, PowerShell. • Developed an “Information system of project management” for “Kazakhmys Corporation". Technologies: MS Project, SharePoint, C#, JQuery, REST, Workflow. • Developed features for the company's internal portal on SharePoint Online. Technologies: JavaScript, AJAX, REST. • Developed an application for SharePoint Online to display all user tasks from the entire site collection. Technologies: JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, AJAX, REST.
TOO Sapa Software
Worked at fronend part of Public Procurement Portal for "Eurasian Resources Group" using React JS and TypeScript: • Created a lot of React components • Created Site Pages • Created Forms using React Hook Form • Realized state management between React components using Redux Toolkit • Styled components from scratch using SCSS • Implemented transition between pages using React Router • Developed complex React components • Developed complicated Table Component with Paging and editable rows • Worked with API using Axios library • Implemented Websocket using Stomp.js • Created Authorization and Registration Form • Implemented two types of Authorization and Registration: - by login and password - by digital signature
TOO iSate
Developed the business process management system called Tengri BPM • Developed new components using React JS and Redux, and also modified existing components. • Rewritten components using React Hooks. • Optimized the frontend part of the application using Redux-ORM. • Modified Web api applications on ASP.NET Core, developed services. • Developed a service for periodically launching tasks using the Hangfire library. • Configured the database, wrote stored procedures in MS SQL and PostreSQL.