Firmware / Embedded Engineer
since 04.2023 - Till the present day |ESR Labs
AUTOSAR, COM, Atlassian JIRA, C++, Embedded C++, Linux, Python, Wireshark, Bash, Gerrit, CANoe
Ticket analysis, support for AUTOSAR COM module. Customer: Automotive industry.
● Analysis, reporting and tracking with usage of the Atlassian JIRA.
Regular Software Developer
03.2022 - 05.2023 |Luxoft
Bash, Shell, Bash-scripting, CommonAPI, TCP/IP, UDP, DNS, DLT Viewer, Domain Name System (DNS), Embedded C++, Embedded Linux, Gerrit, IBM Rational DOORS, QEMU, SOME/IP, TeamForge, Unit Testing, Yocto
Participation in development for middleware in telematics control unit - ARTEMIS. Customer: Valeo.
● Requirements and system specifications analysis with usage of the IBM Rational DOORS.
● Analysis, reporting and tracking with usage of the TeamForge.
● Implementation of software requirements, unit test coverage.
Regular Software Developer
06.2021 - 03.2022 |Luxoft
Dead Reckoning, DLT Viewer, ECall Infrastructure (PSAP/IVS), Embedded C++, Gerrit, IBM Rational DOORS, Java, SOME/IP, TeamForge
Software maintenance of ATM-02 electronic control unit (ECU) for cars.
Customer: Valeo.
● Requirements and system specifications analysis with usage of the IBM Rational DOORS.
● Analysis, reporting and tracking with usage of the TeamForge.
● Bug fixing in C++ and Java.
Software Engineer
04.2021 - 06.2021 |STC
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), C++, Digital Signal Processing, Digital-to-Analog Converter, Embedded C, FPGA, HDLC, I2C, LabVIEW, Schematic Diagrams, SPI, UART, Unit Testing, USB, Vivado IDE
● Hardware acceptance testing for TI TCI6616 based transceiver.
● Development of bare metal firmware based on TI Network Developer's Kit for hardware testing.
● Development of Qt based GUI application with spectrum analyzer tools.
● Transition from existing test suite based on LabView to Qt.
● Implementing reliable UART communication with HDLC.
● ADRV9009 initialization and profile configuration.
● Firmware for microcontroller was written in C.
● Main technologies for this project were C, C++, Qt, Linux.
● Assist in analyzing spectral characteristics of given hardware with spectrum analyzer, signal generator, oscilloscope.
● Implementing of SFDR, SINAD, IMD3, SNR calculation.
● Development of Qt based GUI application with spectrum analyzer tools.
● ADRV9009 profile configuration.
Software Engineer
11.2020 - 04.2021 |STC
CMake, Command Line, Computer Networking (e.g., TCP/IP, UDP, DNS, Domain Name System (DNS), Embedded C, Embedded C++, FPGA, Google Protobuf, gRPC, Qt Framework, Schematic Diagrams, Unit Testing
● Developing client-server application for hardware acceptance testing for embedded Linux hardware based on gRPC and Qt.
● Main technologies for this project were C++, Qt, Linux.
● Development of Qt based client GUI application for hardware acceptance testing.
● Development of C++ based server application for hardware acceptance testing.
Software Engineer
02.2020 - 11.2020 |TECON-ENGINEERING
Atlassian Jira, Bootloader, CI/CD, CMake, Computer Networking (e.g., TCP/IP, UDP, DNS, DeviceTree, Embedded C, Flash Memory, Linux, PowerPC, Python, Python3, Schematic Diagrams, TFTP
● Hardware acceptance testing for industrial controller.
● U-boot, device tree and Linux kernel drivers' modification/development for adding necessary hardware initialization and tools for testing.
● Programming FTDI based test bench for jumper switches, firmware load to flash, Serial communication with Python.
● Main technologies for this project were Python, C, Linux, Embedded Linux.
● U-boot, device tree and Linux kernel drivers' modification/development for adding necessary hardware initialization and tools for testing.
● Programming FTDI based test bench with Python.
● Development of auxiliary programs in Python for log parsing, RCW (Reset Configuration Word) binary data structure reading/modification.
Software Engineer
08.2019 - 02.2020 |Incart
C++, CMake, Doxygen, Embedded C, GCC, Gitflow, I2C, Qt Creator, Qt Framework, Rust programming language, Schematic Diagrams, SPI, STM32 microcontroller, UART, Unit Testing, USB
● Hardware acceptance testing for STM32 M4 based wearable ECG monitor for health check at the PCB production site.
● Software development of hardware dependent code.
● Main technologies for this project were C, Rust, Qt, Linux.
● Software development of hardware dependent code.
● Assist IC Designers and other developers in creating software platform documentation with Doxygen.
● Assist IC Designers in finding and fixing hardware bugs.
● Assist other software developers in binding hardware dependent code with hardware independent Rust code.
● Software development of Qt based GUI application for communication with hardware
acceptance testing firmware.
Software Engineer
05.2018 - 08.2019 |Incart
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), ARM Cortex-M, CMake, Digital-to-Analog Converter, Doxygen, Embedded C, Embedded C++, FreeRTOS, GCC, Gitflow, I2C, Keil, Memory Handler (Flash,RAM), Schematic Diagrams, SPI, STM32 microcontroller, UART, Unit Testing, USB
● Feature Development, Architectural Change and defect fixing of STM32 M3 based firmware with FreeRTOS for wearable ECG monitor.
● Main technologies for this project were C, Linux.
● Transition from Keil uVision toolchain to GCC.
● Refactoring of existing code.
● Identify, analyze, and fixing software bugs/defects.
Software Engineer
05.2018 - 08.2019 |Incart
C++, Computer Networking (e.g., TCP/IP, UDP, DNS, Domain Name System (DNS), Embedded C, Embedded Linux, Gitflow, MQTT, Qt Creator, Qt Framework, RabbitMQ, Raspberry Pi, STM32 microcontroller, TCP/IP, UDP, USB, WebSockets, Yocto
● Measuring of power consumption on variety of Embedded Linux platforms.
● Build custom Linux distributions with Yocto Project for minimal power consumption.
● Developing Qt based MQTT client with libusb.
● Main technologies for this project were C, Qt, Linux.
● Build custom Linux distributions with Yocto Project for minimal power consumption.
● Cross compilation and deploying Qt based application.
● Developing Qt based MQTT client with libusb.
● Setting up an experiment for measuring power consumption for the resulting configuration.
● Researching in Linux power management tools.