Dmitry Koptelov
The widget takes the name of the product and a picture from the page, generates a random number from the calendar. The number is recorded in cookies that are kept for 24 hours. For each product, new numbers are generated .
To complete the attached layout. Cross-browser compatibility - all versions of browsers with a global percentage of users of more than 2% within the past three months. Layout should be flexible, stretch from 360px to 720px. It is advisable to use BEM naming. Write a JS script that implements the functionality of adding a block with a comment. A comment should be added to the list by clicking on 'Contact a сonsultant' button or by pressing Ctrl + Enter. You can use any libraries and frameworks.
Icon design for KEYM
Task: to make an animated icon (css / svg). 60x60, round. The icon shows a truck in motion. The truck stands still in the center of the icon, while the background changes. Cartoon style
Calculator for Mining Farm
The task was to remake the client panel. It was necessary to receive data from the farm, make calculations and display the received data. Also I had to make an authorization window. The work was done without using a database. Login details: Login: Legenda, Password: admin