Othmane Naggar
Real-time traffic monitoring solution for vehicle counting speed estimation and traffic jam detection : • Collect of videos of different roads in morocco with vehicles. • Developpement of CNN algorithm to detect vehicles in images using (keras python). • Developpement of vehicles speed estimation using(opencv), background subtraction and stereoscopic effect to estimate distances then speed using (opencv)and geometry. • Development of a vehicle classifier in 3 categories using Yolov2 • Development of a the ntcip protocol in C++ to send traffic data to the client server.
Street light detection algorithms by satellite imagery: • Buying a night satellite image of the city of Rabat of JILIN-1 satellite. • Development of a Python script under (QGIS) software to match the positions of streetlights with the positions given by client. • Training and validation of a deep neural network (keraspython) to classify streetlight by ON/OFF depending on the shape of the hallow and pixels intensity.
Autonomous greenhouse (growth estimation and disease detection of salads) : • Choice of the spectral camera (4 bands RGB and NIR from Spectral Devices). • Development of the communication layer between the dashboard and the camera using the sdk in C++. • Implementation of the salad growth estimation module. • Implementation of the disease detection module using a public database and Yolov3.