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Registration: 13.11.2023

Aleksandar Stojanovic

Specialization: Unity Developer


Tower Defense game (3D AR First Person Shooter)

3D AR FPS game implemented for local escape room. Multiplayer game, used Mirror for networking and ARFoundation for Augmented Reality.

IKC Netherlands - One 4 all | Software for all ages!

Implemented more than 20 mini games, used simple AI algorithms for turn based games.

Prowise Presenter 10, later Presenter 11

Worked on developing new features, but also entire code base for certain parts of the project (Minitools), also addressed numerous technical challenges and successfully resolved numerous bugs.


Agile Methodologies
Design Patterns
.NET Framework

Work experience

Unity developer
since 07.2021 - Till the present day |Prowise Netherlands outsourcing)
- Educational software. - WebGL, Android, Windows. - Addressables. - Unity packages. - Unity’s UI Toolkit. - Developed codebase for MiniTools. - Shape recognition algorithm. - Applied texture compression. - Implemented tools inside the project. - Extensive use of game dev math, transformation matrices.
Unity developer
11.2020 - 07.2021 |IKC Netherlands outsourcing
- More than 20 mini 3D games (Gomoku, Darts, Mini Golf, etc.). - Unity 3D physics. - Simple AI algorithms (MiniMax, Alpha-Beta Prun.ing, etc.)
Unity developer
03.2020 - 11.2020 |Tower Defense game
- Multiplayer game. - Mirror, previously Photon for networking. - AR Foundation for Augmented Reality. - Ragdoll animations (Unity physics). - Particle effects. - UI animations. - NavMesh. - Mecanim Animation System.
Unity Developer
03.2020 - 11.2023 |5Mict
Unity Developer, worked on both simple projects which I implemented from ground up and more complex ones, like Presenter 10 and 11. Implementing new features as well as solving technical problems and bugs.

Educational background

Information Technology Engineer
2015 - 2023
Singidunum University

