Vladimir Eliseev
USSD assistant
A simple application for USSD code of a mobile operator. It allows you to add code to Favorites and stores previously used codes.
Beeline Books
Very interesting project. Books and audio books are combined In one application. Each type of book has its own convenient management interface. You can also read books offline. The project was designed and developed from scratch. Anko, Retrofit, Kotlin
QR generator
Application for generating QR codes. The popular Zxing library is used (https://github.com/zxing/zxing). There are many formats of generated codes: text, website, phone, location, contact, sms, twitter, skype, youtube, etc. All results are saved in history. The received QR code can be sent to a friend or saved in the gallery. You can also adjust the accuracy of the QR code generation for more accurate recognition using a scanner.
Beeline Books
This application allows you to watch modern films, series and cartoons. You can select films by genre and search in the catalog, choose a video quality. The project was designed and developed from scratch Retrofit 2, GSON.
The application allows you to accurately measure the speed of your Internet connection. ping, download and upload on 2G / 3G / LTE / Wi-Fi networks. To use the current speed, a custom element is used. All results are saved in history. Kotlin
Application for scanning and recognition of the most popular barcodes. It uses the modern Google Vision library (https://developers.google.com/vision/). Recognizes the following formats: 1D, QR, Aztec, DataMatrix, PDF417. All codes are stored in history. You can use information to go to the website, call, send SMS, open the maps, etc.