Aleksandr Ivanov
- Application Architecture. - Integration with Azure (EventHub, IotHub, Azure Functions, Service Bus, etc.). - Integration with AWS (MSK Kafka, Iot Core, Sqs, AWS Lambda, etc.). - Code review.
Zapad Ltd
- CRM system development. - Development of corporate portal for internal employees. - Report service (Stimulsort Reports). - Implementation business process management system (BPM) ELMA (ASP.NET)
1. Medical system for British hospitals (more than 2000 active users per day). - System development (backend + frontend). - Mitings with customers. - Support clients. Stack: .Net Framework, WebAPI, Windows Service, EF, SQL Server, React JS, Rabbit MQ, Jira, Bamboo 2. CRM System System development (backend + frontend) Stack: .Net Core, WebAPI, EF, SignalR, SQL Server, Angular 2+ 3. Others corporate products for customers.