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FAO-GIZ Microbanker, Bangkok, Thailand

Leading banking software for MFIs, NGOs, etc. MBWin programmer

SETT, Chanthaburi, Thailand

Software engineer

Unext Co., Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand

Software Developer


Crystal Reports
MS SourceSafe
Report Builder
SQL Server
Star Basic
Team Coherence
TechExcel DevTrack
VB script
Visual Basic

Work experience

Software engineer
01.2015 - 05.2015 |SETT, Chanthaburi, Thailand, www.gemselect.com
UNIX (CentOS 6.5), Apache, MySQL, php, javascript, html, css
SETT is a Thai trading gold & gems company based in Chanthaburi province. I was involved in converting company's existing desktop applications (such as staff management, orders management, task manager, etc.) into web based applications. Utilized: UNIX (CentOS 6.5), Apache, MySQL, php, javascript, html, css.
Leading banking software for MFIs, NGOs, etc. MBWin programmer
06.2011 - 11.2022 |FAO-GIZ Microbanker, Bangkok, Thailand
The FAO-GIZ Microbanker project is leading banking software for small banks, micro finance institutions (MFI), non-government organizations (NGO), etc. Customers of Microbanker are located all around the world but mostly in Africa, South-East Asia and Pacific region. The Windows-based Microbanker project (MBWin) has been working since 1999. Responsibilities:  Support and development of MBWin system using Delphi 5, XE3, 10.3 Rio as a client and MS SQL Server 2005 - 2019 as a server. Projects that I have been also working on: - Porting our projects from Delphi 5 into Delphi XE3 and then Delphi 10.3 Rio. - Developing Internet Banking system using Delphi XE3 and PHP. - Developing RESTful API modules for connecting MBWin with mobile banking software using Delphi XE3. - Developing MIS Reports module (Delphi 10.3 Rio) - Developing loan provisioning and reclassification routine for Cambodia. - Lead expert on MBWin Replicator, Archival and Purging and Batch Import modules. Version control: MS Source Safe 8, planning to move on to Git. Issue tracking system: TechExcel DevTrack 9.  Customer support worldwide by emails / Skype.  Trainer assistant during MBWin training (few times a year).
01.2011 - 06.2011 |TWS <-> MS Excel automation, freelance project
IB TWS API for Excel, MS Excel VBA
Interactive Brokers' Trader Workstation (http://www.interactivebrokers.com), or TWS, is an online trading platform that lets you trade and manage orders for all types of financial prod- ucts. Using its ActiveX API for MS Excel I created my own application (MS Excel VBA macros). I set up my application in Excel the way it could work (trade) with TWS whole working day (about 6-7 hours) with my minimum intervention. Utilized: IB TWS API for Excel, MS Excel VBA.
09.2010 - 09.2010 |Paperless Debate, freelance project
For a high school debate coach looking to find a way to bring the cost of switching to “paperless debate” down I converted MS Office VBA macros into OpenOffice Star Basic macros. Utilized MS Office VBA (Word), OpenOffice Star Basic (Writer).
Software Developer
07.2010 - 08.2010 |Unext Co., Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand, Equipment supplier and system integrator servicing Electronics, Hard Disk Drive, Semiconductor and Precision Industries.
I’d been working on a project for TDK Magnecomp Precision Technology factory (MPT). We’ve developed visual inspection software for laser adjustment using MS Visual Basic 2010.
Lead Developer
10.2004 - 06.2010 |WoolStreet, Moscow, Russia, Fashion Trading Company (Over 100 retail shops in Russia)
Responsibilities:  Design, development, testing, implementation and maintenance of the corporate warehouse application. Utilized Delphi 6, MS Excel 2000-2007, Crystal Reports, OpenOffice Calc, Paradox 4.  Writing manuals, training of users.  Installation and customization of POS-terminals in retail shops.
11.2002 - 09.2004 |DELOGYS Group, Moscow, Russia, Consulting Company
Responsibilities:  Describing the technical requirements for customization.  Upgrade PIVOTAL CRM to latest version.  Customizing, development, testing, implementation and maintenance of the corporate CRM-system for HR and CCM departments.  Creating a converter for Import/Export of data. SQL Server 2000, Transact SQL, ACCESS 2000, PIVOTAL Agents. Utilized MS VB 6.0, VB Script, Transact SQL.  Creating an application for printer resources calculation.  Creating an automatic questionnaire system.  Developing a workflow Helpdesk system with close incident registration.  Developing a workflow system for critical errors notification using sms service technology.  Writing manuals, training of users.
Software Analyst
11.2001 - 06.2002 |FIT, Moscow, Russia, Software Company
Responsibilities:  Testing and evaluation of the OCTAN 2000 software (developed by NCR) to service gas stations.  Testing and evaluation of the OSCAR system (developed by the German company ADS ANKER) for bars-restaurants-supermarkets.  Testing of the FRANPRIX system (developed by FIT company) to find bugs and study its compatibility with the cash POS-terminals OMRON 6500, 7000, 8600.  Translation of technical documentation from English into Russian.
Software Developer
03.1998 - 10.2001 |BROTROP, Moscow, Russia
Responsibilities:  Design, development, testing, implementation and maintenance of the comprehensive system for warehouse management. Utilized MS VB 5.0, Crystal Reports, Excel 97, Access 97, Paradox 4, Delphi 3.  Purchase, testing, and tuning up of the equipment (computers and other devices).  Training of users.  Building and tuning up Local network in the new office.
Software Developer
07.1997 - 02.1998 |CentreInvestSoft Inc., Moscow, Russia, Software Company
Responsibilities:  User classes development as part of the complex automated budget system.  Stored procedures development in MS SQL Server 6.5.  Development of the module for sending and receiving reports via e-mail.  Testing of the system.

Educational background

Basic Accounting for Non-Accountants
Till 2018
Bangkok School of Management, Bangkok, Thailand
Programming a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database; Enterprise Development Using VB 6.
Till 2001
Microsoft courses. Moscow, Russia
Professional Diploma in Software Technology
Till 1998
Moscow Technical University (MEPHI), Moscow, Russia

