Anton Gorbunov
- Building a testing architecture for the project. - Participation in the development of the project architecture. - Writing autotests in Kotlin. Using Spring cloud + Junit + Gradle + Cucumber + KMongo. Testing via RabbitMQ queues. - Direct project testing, test scripting. Accomplishments: - Created testing framework for the project.
- Testing and creating autotests for the banking CRM system. - Writing portal autotests in Java 8, using Selenium Web Driver, Junit, Maven, MyBatis.
- Testing and creating autotests for the cashback system. Managing a group of testing. Responsible for the timing of testing. Code review. - Manual functional testing of a web application. - Regression testing. - Mobile application testing. - REST API testing. - Working with PostgreSQL database. - Writing standard SQL queries. - Partial customization of Jenkins CI. - Git.