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Registration: 27.01.2023

Dmitry Anikanov

Specialization: HTML Web Developer



Backend Developer.


Backend Web Developer.

63 Purchases

Head of Development.


Software development

Work experience

Technical support artist
01.2020 - 01.2022 |ARTY
Launch of HYPERWEAR clothing store.
01.2020 - 01.2023 |NDA
WebUI Yii2 React, PHP Doga (OpenProtocol) Node-RED, Arduino, ESP32 Python (opencv, usbxpress)
Several Telegram bots (bot api, protobuf).
Backend Developer
06.2019 - 12.2019 |GlassesUSA
JIRA, GitLab, TeamCity, Symfony, Kafka, Postgres, Kubernets
International online eyewear store (local staff ~50 people). Accepted into the support team. Used JIRA, GitLab, TeamCity. Got to know the well-organized processes of development and team interaction. Did a monolith on Magento. Production was deployed to GCP on Kubernets. Actively created microservices on Symfony, Kafka, Postgres. Implemented integration with a fullfilment service.
Head of Development
05.2017 - 11.2017 |63 Purchases
Nginx, Lua, VueJS
Service of joint purchases, like a marketplace. Started work as a replacement for the outgoing manager. In 1 month inherited a multi-year project on phpBB. Directly participated in the company's solutions. Provided interaction with the customer support department and logistics. Interviewed and hired employees. The department worked with a kanban board. Development was done in GitLab. In six months successfully handled large tasks. Consolidated hardware from 3 data centers. Created a cloud on Proxmox. Optimized codebase in the face of growing traffic and seasonal loads. - Worked on the redesign of the catalog of products and purchases. The frontend was implemented on VueJS. Implemented API gateway using OpenResty (Nginx+Lua). - Created several microservices in Go to handle uploaded catalogs, images, alerts, receipts, and report assembly. - Organized the installation of online cash registers (according to the 54-FZ) at more than 30 order- delivery points. Also, electronic receipt sending was implemented for online payments.
Backend Web Developer
07.2015 - 11.2016 |Ultragold
AngularJS, Yii2
Service of automatic exchange of electronic currencies (WebMoney, Yandex, QIWI, Bitcoin). Started to work with a frontend developer. Developed a backend on Yii2 from scratch, including: monitoring rates, automatic exchange, personal account API, with an admin panel on Bootstrap. The personal account was developed as a SPA in AngularJS. Documented processes and APIs. Provided 24x7 technical support. Hired a junior developer. Interesting visualization of the work in the git log + gource repository.
Web Developer
10.2014 - 06.2015 |PRAVO.ru
ElasticSearch, RabbitMQ, Git, JIRA sprints, TeamCity
- I participated in the development of the core as a middle php-developer, in the backend team (~5 people), the legal information system "Pravo.Ru", as well as the CaseLook and CaseBook services. - Faced with ElasticSearch and RabbitMQ. - Performed tasks related to the collection and processing of documents (regular for 300)). - Optimized background tasks of text parsing and index building. - Gained experience with Git, JIRA sprints, TeamCity builds and deploys.
Lead Web Developer
01.2012 - 08.2013 |SMSUnion
PHP, Kannel, Yii
I started out as the first full-time developer. Started supporting an existing outsourced project in PHP and Kannel. Two months later I launched a new personal account in Yii, including a templating engine, mailing queue, moderation, statistics, billing. Organized work in SVN and Redmine. Hired two developers.

Educational background

*Educational institution

