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Registration: 21.10.2022

Pavel Chistov

Specialization: Enterprise architecture


NSN-MTS outsourcing project (Faberge)

I was IT manager for local managed services (MS) team. I was responsible for liaison between MS and corporate IT, for ITSM, for customer site connections, etc.


I was head of IT operations and infrastructure. I've designed IT services, prepared tool migration, been preparing and executing budget and so on. Not exactly CIO, but very close to it.

Serce description notation

I've created service description notation for documenting services, provided by our IT systems. Currently we use it company-wide.


Project management

Work experience

Enterprise architect
since 05.2020 - Till the present day |NSPK
All corporate IT landscape
Our team responsible for documenting and gardening IT landscape. We consult project teams about technologies, integrations, infra layout, etc
Head of services monitoring and billing
08.2018 - 05.2020 |CloudDC
Custom ITSM software
I was responsible for development of part of the ITSM system.
Infrastructure architect
09.2016 - 07.2018 |Ericsson
I did site surveys, site preparations and some design activities for rolling out Ericsson OSS-BSS system for Veon. It was international project and our team was responsible for equipment rollout in CIS countries
Head of IT
05.2012 - 06.2016 |NVBS
I've responsible for IT infra and operations. I've created IT department from scratch, designed processes, created IT budget. It was very close to CIO role, excluding program tool development.

Educational background

Oracle DBA
ITIL v2 & v3
IT Expert
Flying vehicles tests (Masters Degree)
1988 - 1994
Moscow Aviation Institute

