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Registration: 10.04.2023

Nikalai Bury

Specialization: Lead JavaScript Developer / FE developer
12+ year of experience in design and development of distributed systems, workflow applications using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript. Good understanding of Object Oriented Programming semantics and Design Patterns. Applying Javascript/HTML world trends such as frameworks, libraries, design approaches. Outstanding team player with a positive attitude to drive with delivering results on time and within budget, having the ability to communicate clearly and effectively when discussing issues with team members and management. Have experience in mentoring. Have experience in system administration (LAN, IIS, MS Server 2003) more than 4 years. Linux (Ubuntu) user. Strong communications skills. Able to learn new technologies rapidly. Keep calm in most stressful situation. Very good memory.
12+ year of experience in design and development of distributed systems, workflow applications using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript. Good understanding of Object Oriented Programming semantics and Design Patterns. Applying Javascript/HTML world trends such as frameworks, libraries, design approaches. Outstanding team player with a positive attitude to drive with delivering results on time and within budget, having the ability to communicate clearly and effectively when discussing issues with team members and management. Have experience in mentoring. Have experience in system administration (LAN, IIS, MS Server 2003) more than 4 years. Linux (Ubuntu) user. Strong communications skills. Able to learn new technologies rapidly. Keep calm in most stressful situation. Very good memory.


Raiffeisen bank

Develop application for corporate clients. Application reduce time to create accounts in different countries in same time. Responsibilities included: Develop application, meeting with team. Use HTML5, CSS3 (SASS), Angular 12, RxJs (NgXs), Jasmine, angular-cli, bug fixing, find creative solutions. Front-end delivery. Investigated non-solved problems. Solved couple tasks that waited solution +- year (Develop storybook of components). Environment: WebStorm, browsers (chrome development tools), Jira, CDA (internal tool). Project review: Good processes: spring planing, spring reviewing, improving processes. Strong developers and non-developers team. Project based on own npm library.

UniCredit bank

Develop application for corporate clients. Application for small business and corporate clients. Responsibilities included: Develop application, meeting with team. Use HTML5, CSS3 (SASS), Angular 12, RxJs (NgXs), Jasmine, angular-cli, bug fixing, find creative solutions, application architecture. Front-end delivery. Build application from scratch. Task delegation. Environment: WebStorm, browsers (chrome development tools), Jira, VDI. Project review: Building process, good idea, good team. Issues with store data on VDI, no admin permission.

EPAM Systems

Project: Web Application “Adidas Marvin”. Application is intended for internal use. Web application shall provide users change to media content. Responsibilities included: Task estimates for UI, frontend development. Communication with customer, meetings, discussing architecture and approaches used in the project with customer; Creating Application with html/css/js. Cross browse support IE8+. Environment: html/css/js (jQuery), Visual Studio (ASP.Net, Telerik), IIS Project review: First experience work with a big team (near 20 members on our side). I was one front-end developer on project. I worked very hard to make loyoutes for 6-7 backend developers that developed each own page. First experience meetings on English. First experience to interview “hire” new team members.


Angular 1 – latest
Microsoft TSF
MS Visual Studio
MySQL 5.0

Work experience

Lead JavaScript Developer
since 05.2018 - Till the present day |UniCredit bank
HTML5, CSS3 (SASS), RxJs (NgXs), Jasmine, Angular-Cli, JavaScript (AngularJS, Kendo components), Jira
Project: developing a web application for small business and corporate clients. Application with a lot of legacy code. On this project code re-factoring was denied because it took less time to develop. Responsibilities: * Develop WEB applications * Architecture planning, meetings, bug fixing, task estimates, and code optimization. Environment: WebStorm, Browsers (Chrome development tools), Stash, Jira.
Lead JavaScript Developer
since 05.2018 - Till the present day |Lemonade
HTML5, CSS3 (SASS), JavaScript (native)
Develop bunch of shops. Update UI and JS part bunch of shops that based on Shopify. Meetings, bug fixing, tasks estimates and code optimisation. Responsibilities included: Develop application, meeting with team, bug fixing, find creative solutions. Environment: WebStorm, Browsers (Chrome development tools), Bitbuket, Mavenlink. Project review: Bunch of application when need very fast and worked solutions.
Lead JavaScript Developer
since 05.2018 - Till the present day |Bawag PSK bank
HTML5, CSS3 (SASS), Angular 8, RxJs (NgXs), Jest, Share-Loader, Angular-Cli, Jira, Jenkinks
Develop micro Front-end parts. All applications are represented as micro Front-end parts connecting usage special layers. Responsibilities: Develop applications, meeting with the team, bug fixing, finding creative solutions, and Front-end delivery. Led other Front-end developers and super fast delivery projects to customers (1 - 2 weeks) — about 10 successful finished projects. Interview candidates, coach junior developers, and supervise developers in other projects. Project review: The technology stack is very modern with strong developers and good processes, but not for access.
Senior JavaScript Developer
since 05.2018 - Till the present day |Raiffeisen bank
HTML5, CSS3 (SASS), Angular 12, RxJs (NgXs), Jasmine, Angular-Cli, Jira
Develop application for corporate clients. Application reduce time to create accounts in different countries in same time. Responsibilities: Develop application, meeting with team. Investigated non-solved problems. Solved couple tasks that waited solution +/- year (Develop storybook of components). Environment: WebStorm, Browsers (Chrome development tools), Jira, CDA (internal tool). Project review: Spring planing, Spring reviewing, improving processes. Strong developers and non-developers team. Project based on own NPM Library.
Lead JavaScript Developer
since 05.2018 - Till the present day |UniCredit bank
HTML5, CSS3 (SASS), Angular 12, RxJs (NgXs), Jasmine, Angular-Cli, Jira, VDI
Develop application for corporate clients. Application for small business and corporate clients. Responsibilities: Develop application, meeting with team, application architecture,Front-end delivery. Build application from scratch. Task delegation. Project review: Building process. Issues with store data on VDI, no admin permission.
Unit Lead/Senior JavaScript Developer
09.2017 - 08.2018 |Softeq Inc.
HTML5, CSS3, (SASS), JavaScript (Angular 5, TS, RxJs),
Interview candidates, presale experience, code review, architectural planning, hackathon and workshops organizer. Project: Gardner House building franchising. Development web applications, application architecture planning, meetings, bug fixing, tasks estimates and code optimization, code review. Responsibilities included: Develop application, estimate tasks, meeting with team and customer, code review. Project review: Application with strong architecture concepts.
Senior JavaScript Developer
09.2014 - 09.2017 |NoriginMedia
HTML5, CSS3 (LESS), JavaScript (jQuery, Modernizer, Underscore, Require, I18n)
Develop web applications streaming video, meetings, bug fixing, tasks estimates and code optimization. Responsibilities included: Develop application, estimate tasks, meeting with team and customer. Environment: WebStorm, Browsers (Chrome development tools), Photoshop, Github, Jira. Project review: I was grow in understanding JS architecture and OOP methodology. I help to grow team with new knowledges and team help to grow me. Developed translation module, touch smart TV (Webos for instance). It was great that we have a time to have brainstorms to solve hard task.
Senior JavaScript Developer
09.2014 - 09.2017 |Omnigon
HTML5, CSS3 (LESS), JavaScript (jQuery, Chartist.js, jsRender), Unit tests (Karma, Jasmine)
Develop web application for sports fans. Develop web applications, application architecture planning, meetings, bug fixing, tasks estimates and code optimization. Responsibilities included: Develop application, estimate tasks, meeting with team and customer. Project review: This project look like melting pot – many projects, many BE and HTML developers, many PMs and less js developers. Issue sometime trivial, sometimes nontrivial like use together jsRender and Chartistjs.
Lead Senior JavaScript Developer
09.2014 - 09.2017 |Science Soft
HTML5, CSS3 (SASS), JavaScript (Angularjs, Aes, jsEncrypt, Lodash), Unit test (Karma, Jasmine), Eslint, Grunt
Project: Foil web secure chat. Develop secure web chat for geeks. Develop web applications, application architecture planning, meetings, bug fixing, tasks estimates and code optimization, code review. Responsibilities included: Develop application, estimate tasks, meeting with team and customer, code review. Project review: Interesting project that need many decisions and many planning. I help to optimize many issues and increase performance. I worked like TL on this project. I review code my college. We use last features in chrome such webRTC, Sockets and etc.
Senior Front-end Developer
05.2014 - 09.2014 |Oxagile
HTML5, CSS3 (SASS), JavaScript (Backbone, jQuery and Plugins, Lo-dash), Agile, Sprints
Develop groups of web applications Discovery.com, daily meetings, bug fixing, tasks estimates. Responsibilities included: Develop application, estimate tasks, daily meeting with team. Project review: Before project I was very happy because it was very loudly name – discovery.com. When I touched project it was not very good inside. Weak architecture and many “hacks”. I developed menu and errors pages. I had good lessons: Good project should have good team in general.
Senior Front-end Developer
08.2013 - 05.2014 |Boostanfar QA
HTML5, CSS (LESS) JavaScript (jQuery)
Develop HML5 application, build native application for iOS using phogape. Layouting, js-development. Responsibilities included: Develop application, estimate issues, communication with customer (agile). Project review: It was short project. I was one developers on project. It was interesting to develop application and touch phonegap and mobile technologies. I developed whole application. As for me I was glad that I can touch HTML5 particularly HTML5 video.
Senior Front-end developer
08.2013 - 05.2014 |NDA
HTML5, CSS, JavaScript (jQuery), Wordpress CMS
Project: 5thfinger.com. Adaptation old sites for mobile devices using Responsive Studio Modernize old web application using JS, CSS, fix bugs for 5thfinger.com, responsive versions of web application. Responsibilities included: Adaptation old sites for mobile devices, estimate issues, communication with customer (agile). Fix and make changes for 5thfinger.com. Project review: Typical project for mobile development. I have new experience in mobile development.
Lead Senior Front-end Developer
08.2013 - 05.2014 |iTechArt
HTML5, CSS3 (LESS), JavaScript (jQuery and plugins, Underscore), Play Framework (SCALA templates)
Project: MedTech Exchange. Develop web application for medical organization. Develop web application for medical organization to make simplest procedure to make order to get prostheses and implants. Responsibilities included: Develop application, estimate tasks, teach developer, supervise work on project, make daily meeting with customer on video chat. Project review. Small project with small team. I was TL in that project. I developed application, get requirements from customer and help team to grow (particular – code review). I have experience in team management.
Web Developer
08.2012 - 08.2013 |Web Application “Productiveedge HUMANA”
HTML5, CSS/JS (jQuery)
Application provides possibility for health assessment. Responsibilities included: Crossbrowsing coding IE7+. Use HTML5, emulate for not supported browser (modernizr, selectivizr, PIE, boilerplate). Develop widget. Every day meetings with customer. Project review: On this project, I learned how to develop application the best way with ie7 supporting. I developed pages for health testing.
Web Developer
08.2012 - 08.2013 |Exadel
HTML5, CSS3, javaScript, Aetna GoodRX, Oscar Timeline, OmniTracker, Box.com, CarePass Body Measurement.
Project: Appery examples. Develop applications for mobile devices, android, iPhone using Appery (PhoneGap + jQuery + REST API) and user support. Responsibilities included: Develop application for mobile Web and mobile devices (phones and tablets) using JavaScript. Project review: In this project I tried how to works remotely. Whole team was in Donetsk – it is another country. I was one developer from Minsk. I should keep self to good work and develop good applications. On that project, I had a good experience with mobile layouting and media queries. I was glad to touch new HTML5 and CSS3 features like geolocation and CSS3 animation. Our team have the best PM. It was great time. I developed demo application for Oskar.
kzpm.com Web Developer
07.2012 - 08.2012 |kzpm.com
WebStorm, HTML, JavaScript (Three.js)
Responsibilities included: Created 3d model of menu “molecule” using WebGL. Model shall possibilities click on Nodes and them redirected to some URL. Project review: It was cool freelance project. I touched webGL.
Web Developer
02.2012 - 08.2012 |Web Application “Castorama web storage”
Layouting for mobile version. Responsibilities included: Meetings, discussing architecture and approaches used in the project; Layouting for mobile device (iPhone, iPad). Creating Application with HTML/CSS. Project review: Short project, but many experience with mobile devices. It was first experience with mobile devices and media queries.
Web Developer
02.2012 - 08.2012 |EPAM Systems
HTML/CSS/JS (jQuery), Visual Studio (ASP.Net, Telerik), IIS
Project: Web Application “Adidas Marvin”. Application is intended for internal use. Web application shall provide users change to media content. Responsibilities included: Task estimates for UI, frontend development. Communication with customer, meetings, discussing architecture and approaches used in the project with customer; Creating Application with HTML/CSS/JS (jQuery). Cross browse support IE8+. Project review: First experience work with a big team (near 20 members on our side). I was one front-end developer on project. I worked very hard to make loyoutes for 6-7 backend developers that developed each own page. First experience meetings on English. First experience to interview “hire” new team members.
Web Developer
10.2007 - 12.2011 |Redesign “THE NY PIT”
HTML/CSS, Notepad++, WebStorm(IntelliJ), BoilerPlate
Responsibilities included: Redesign of website. Crossbrowsing layouting HTML+CSS.
Web Developer
10.2007 - 12.2011 |Nehodi.by
WebStorm, HTML, CSS, javascript (jQuery), lessCSS
Responsibilities included: Front-end: cross browser layouting HTML, CSS. UI interaction (Javascript (jQuery) Environment: WebStorm, HTML, CSS, javascript (jQuery), lessCSS. BoilerPlate Project review: Freelance project. I developed UI and scripts.
Web Developer
10.2007 - 12.2011 |ITree
WebStorm, HTML, CSS, lessCSS
Project: “Dominant.by” Responsibilities included: Front-end: cross browser layouting HTML, CSS (Bootstrap CSS). Project review: Freelance project. I developed just UI without scripts.
Software Engineer
10.2007 - 12.2011 |Berezinoraigaz
ASP.NET, Visual Studio, SQL Manager
Project: Web application “Accounting gas equipment” Program to account for equipment for the subscribers, monitor stolen equipment, as well as the formation of accounting and statistics. Responsibilities included: Task estimates, database design, front-end development, back-end development (ASP.NET), Reporting. Project review: I was Full-stack developer on this project. I saw that native templates in Asp.net are bad and that why I frond end developer. I started learn HTML+CSS to made application good. I had experience in system administration and help employees to grow with computer sciences.
Web Developer
10.2007 - 12.2011 |NDA
html/css, Notepad++
Project: “http://oaopss.by/” Responsibilities included: Crossbrowsing layouting. Environment: html/css, Notepad++.

Educational background

Software developer (Bachelor’s Degree)
2002 - 2011


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