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Registration: 08.09.2015

Elena Malysheva



Building brand awareness

In 2012, the company had a good product, high quality customer support and its first customers, but the department of business development was spending too much time on the primary presentation. Product awareness was low. Then, the first Russian competitor who started to sell foreign products has appeared on the market. They often used dumping and black PR. Task - to raise brand awareness and convey to the audience that client's business model of the company is more efficient than all the others on the market. We chose tools that could solve the problem in a relatively short period of time. As a result we got a four times increase in awareness.

Blog strategy

In 2015, it was decided to reposition the blog, to shift the focus from the company news to some interesting and valuable content. The purpose of this content was products and services promotion by creation of expert image explaining the nuances of online hotel sales. In addition to changing the content policy, design of all pages was changed and unified corporate style for all illustrations was implemented. As a result we got 2-times traffic increase and constantly increasing number of applications

Brand positioning

In 2015, the number of competitors, both Russian and foreign, has increased significantly. The audience compared prices, not the values ​​that the company preached in its model. Also, the sales department was faced to non-target leads, which did not bring the any profit to the company. Then it was decided to stand away from competitors, to describe a portrait of the ideal customer, to formulate positioning. As a result of detailed analysis of the market and competitors the problem was solved, and also iwe could allocate 21 advantages. These results were implemented to all marketing channels, that allowed to reduce the number of non-target leads and optimize work of the sales department.