Dmitrii Bogatyr
Senior DevOps Engineer / SRE in GlobalDots
- Configure monitoring and alerting of cloud resources with notification. - Produce gitlab migration with python. - Adoption of the IaC approach.
USA services provider in Aligned Research Group LLC
- Cloud migration: AWS, Azure. - Implemented pipelines to deploy to AWS ( EKS, ECS ) with scalable function without any manual work. - Reduced time from build to deploy by 70%. - Removed most of the manual work dealing with applications. - Jenkins + Github integration. - Implemented Jenkins Shared library so our pipelines would be shorter and flexible. - Slack notification. - Versioning python code with PyPI repository. - A lot of useful python scripts: config generation for application, test nodes for availability with the following report, GitHub API, AWS API, etc. - Automation of installation of kubernetes in high availability mode by pressing one button in Jenkins. - Automation of any procedure with kubernetes: rbac, generation of access Configs, Helm deployment. - Grafana as a code approach.
Senior DevOps Engineer in First Line Software
- Implemented Highly-Available HDFS cluster with automatc standby – promoton, automated with ansible. - Created playbook with automated installaton kafa cluster, zookeeper quorum, hbase cluster and other diferent services. - Implemented Highly-Available Postgresql soluton Postgres-XL. - Implemented Zabbix monitoring with alertng to Telegram channel. - Implemented ELK logging systems to get logs from servers. - Implemented Kubernetes cluster. - Implemented scalable, distributed fle system glusterfs.