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Registration: 07.12.2022
Certifications: — Critical and Creative Thinking Professional Training Course. — Head of Department Program.



System design, Advisory and development


HFT Crypto Exchange: - System design of internal custodian - Internal secure message queue - Team management


Developing software for large government customers. - Work with EAC (TR-03110) - Work with asn.1 (der, cmc, cms, crmf, crl, pkcs10, pkcs7, tsp, ocsp, dvcs and x509) - The adaptation of open source software to the required level of security, the addition of GOST algorithms. development libraries for working with GOST algorithms. - Developing frontend for Notary services (JS, HTML5) - Establishing a system synchronization of user data between different solutions. - Participation in the creation of JSON-RPC library, planning architecture. Creating a distributed file storage. - Creating a Web interface to the system of video, voice (VoIP) and text (XMPP) connection - Development of National PKI for use in public and private companies - Development of EAC


Design Patterns
Product Management
Rust BFF
Security audit
Security testing
System architecture

Work experience

Chief Vision Officer
04.2022 - 07.2022 |Attarius Network
Blockchain, Ethereum, Hyperledger, Solana, NEAR, Cosmos, Polkadot, Dfinity, Rust, Solidity, Go
Advisory Information Technology Specialist
since 12.2021 - Till the present day |Exverse.io Project
Rust, Solidity, Go, Motoko, FunC, Move, Python
● Concept and System design of a multi-world game protocol. ● NEAR & ETH Smart-contracts development.
Advisory Information Technology Architect
since 05.2021 - Till the present day |Attarius Network
Blockchain, Ethereum, Hyperledger, Solana, NEAR, Cosmos, Polkadot, Dfinity, Rust, Solidity, Go
Chief Technology Officer
05.2019 - 03.2022 |Vezzer.no
Blockchain, Ethereum, Hyperledger, Solana, NEAR, Cosmos, Polkadot, Dfinity, Rust, Solidity, Go
Solutions Architect
12.2018 - 05.2019 |Iconic.vc
gRPC, Kafka, TPM2.0, TSS/TEE, Cryptography
Technical Advisor
08.2017 - 02.2018 |Privatix
Ethereum, Solidity, Python, ReactJS, iOS, ObjC
07.2017 - 12.2018 |Iconic.vc
Go, Python, Solidity, TS/JS, Rust, BFF, HFT, gRPC, Kafka, TPM2.0, TSS/TEE, Cryptography, Clickhouse
Serial Tech Advisory
since 07.2017 - Till the present day |8gen
Helper and believer, that help finding product features and designing system architecture. - Artistant - Attarius - Exverse - Privatix
Lead Developer
10.2014 - 01.2015 |Kindbeetle
Tornado, Aerospike, OpenRTB, Logstash, Redis, Sentry, CI, Golang, Python
● Developing a traffic exchanger for DSP and SSP. ● Solution should convert SSP request to DSP's friendly format, could filter using external metrics. ● Develop transport between aerospike and client, support next protocol: REST and Memcache. ● Work with: - Aerospike. - OpenRTB 2.2. - DMP.
Senior Developer
08.2014 - 10.2014 |Recommendation Service
PHP, MySQL, Sphinx, LXC, Scrum, Python, PostgreSQL, Tornado, SQLAlchemy, Elasticssearch
● This was an Innovational kind of refactoring. ● Rewrote big and expensive site to the smart and cheap solution.
01.2014 - 06.2014 |Crisp Message
Erlang, Elixir, Python, Postgresql, HTML5, JS, CoffeeScript, React
● Developing backend for crispmessage, a new way of photo and video chatting.
02.2013 - 05.2013 |Sitcam
Tornado, Amazon AWS, Amazon DynamoDB, iOS
● Developing backend for the great instagram clone.
01.2011 - 01.2013 |IMA Group
Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Centos, OpenVZ, Linux-Vserver, LXC, Django, Python, PHP, Nginx, Fastcgi, MySQL, Postgresql
Lead Developer
06.2010 - 11.2016 |SmartTeleMax
JS, Python, Postgres, IBM MQ, JSON-RPC, XML-RPC, Erlang, C, WSGI, RabbitMQ, Twisted
● Developing software for large government customers. ● Work with EAC (TR-03110). ● Work with asn.1 (der, cmc, cms, crmf, crl, pkcs10, pkcs7, tsp, ocsp, dvcs and x509). ● The adaptation of open source software to the required level of security, the addition of GOST algorithms. ● Development libraries for working with GOST algorithms. ● Developing frontend for Notary services (JS, HTML5). ● Establishing a system synchronization of user data between different solutions. ● Participation in the creation of JSON-RPC library, planning architecture. ● Creating a distributed file storage. ● Creating a Web interface to the system of video, voice (VoIP) and text (XMPP) connection ● Development of National PKI for use in public and private companies. ● Development of EAC. Achievements: ● Learned family GOST encryption algorithms used closed (and poorly documented) library.
08.2009 - 05.2010 |Okey-Telecom
C, Lua, LibEvent, XML, Curve25519, AES, HTTP, POST / GET, Auth Digest, Auth Basic, ICMP, FTP, POP3, SMTP, TELNET
● Participation in the development of a monitoring service availability and response time of remote servers.
01.2009 - 06.2010 |5VPN
Postgres, Python, NodeJS, Express, Twisted, RSA PKI
● Architecture planning project. ● Creating a system of automatic deployment of gateways, balancing and control access node. ● Synchronize data required for client authentication and connection control. ● Invented the system for blocking spam and flood. ● Administration debian based servers. Achievements: ● Invented a system for generating certificates for level of trust invested. ● PKI. ● Automatic deployment of software code on the servers, with minimal intervention from the administrator. ● Invented how to test code before the introduction of the real production.
06.2008 - 09.2009 |AdvPeople
RabbitMQ, Python, Stemming, PyQT
● Administration of servers (mostly based on Debian, but there were also RedHat). ● Writing tools for SEO masters. Achievements: ● Learn the basics of SEO. ● Came up with a way to transfer tasks to other RabbitMQ server (something like celery). ● Learned about Zipf and similar algorithms.
System Administrator
02.2007 - 01.2010 |VirtualServer
OpenVZ, Xen, Linux Vserver
● Managing Hosting System: - The creation of an automated system hosting control (Bash, C, Python, PHP). - Establishment of a monitoring and reporting on the availability of a server based network from different points (Python, C). - Establishment of a system of automatic DNS parking - language «C». ● Customer Service Hosting: - Protection of the client's server from DDoS attacks. - Assist customers to optimize their decisions.
System Administrator
03.2006 - 03.2007 |Di-Net
Cisco CSS, FreeBSD, OpenVZ, MySQL, Apache2, Linux Vserver, NFS, DHCP, Diskless Node, Linux
● Creating a clustered hosting (cloud hosting): - The creation of cluster solutions based on Cisco CSS for failover hosting service. - Work with the Cisco CSS, FreeBSD, OpenVZ, MySQL, Apache2, Linux Vserver, NFS, DHCP, Diskless Node, Linux. ● Customer Support: - Administration of servers based on the operating system FreeBSD.
System Administrator
05.2005 - 02.2006 |Di-Net
Cisco CSS, FreeBSD, OpenVZ, MySQL, Apache2, Linux Vserver, NFS, DHCP, Diskless Node, Linux
● Support some hosting's servers, develop Cloud solution.
04.2003 - 06.2010 |VirtualServer
Php, Yacc, Libc, Fastcgi, Cgic, Libev, Libevent, Nodejs, Perl, Lua, C, Python
● Writing automation hosting services - Shell. ● Further development and support of web hosting architecture, load testing - Shell and C. ● Traffic control and subsequent visualization - C and PHP. ● Completion of billing and control panel's DNS - C. ● Writing modules for nginx and apache2. ● Writing network applications use are examined with epoll / select and thread. ● Extend QMail for support of some anti-spam techniques. ● Work with lua as the main language (web) and was included as a module for C. ● Create microframework on Perl (FastCGI) and NodeJS (HTTP). ● Create the DNS service parking. Bagfiksing someone else's code - C. Achievements: ● Learned to write asynchronous and multi-threaded applications. ● Learned to quickly understand the nature of the problem. ● Got a lot of experience writing for a variety of applications from.
09.2002 - 08.2004 |Turkey
Zenon NSP, PHP, Perl CGI
● Group travel sites: egyptclub, qatar, turkey, india and other. ● Writing software modules, support and completion of existing solutions.

Educational background

Information Security
2001 - 2002


ruNativegbUpper Intermediate