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Registration: 25.03.2022

Vladimir Syrtsov

Specialization: UI/UX desi
I started my career in 2003 as an animator for educational websites. Then I changed the development vector to UI / UX design and worked on the R'n'D dept. Alcatel-Lucent (2005-12 yy) where I developed interfaces for IP TV and desktop web apps. In recent years, I have been developing complex professional interfaces for mobile operators (billing, database administration, creating and maintaining a Design system)
I started my career in 2003 as an animator for educational websites. Then I changed the development vector to UI / UX design and worked on the R'n'D dept. Alcatel-Lucent (2005-12 yy) where I developed interfaces for IP TV and desktop web apps. In recent years, I have been developing complex professional interfaces for mobile operators (billing, database administration, creating and maintaining a Design system)


Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Development of User Interfaces (for TV, PC and mobile devices), creation of mockups, development of all types of graphics, development of interaction workflows between software developers and designers as part of a project lifecycle.


Service developed for T2 mobile operator. This service helps the operator manage clients traffic, billing and statistics. My tasks: Prototyping, Graphic design. UI library refill and transformation it to Design System based on Zeplin Style guides. It became clear that the UX library doesn’t cover all development needs. Development of DS should have significantly reduced labor costs and accelerated the transfer of projects to developers.


The service for distributed databases management. The service allows you to administer databases that are located both on the client side and on the campaign side. My task: An important task was to rethink the usual patterns of user behavior on desktop applications (delphi, java) and turn it to web ui without dramatical changing user experience. Moreover that application was made on hierarchical princeps so I tried to restyle classical tree component look and feel. My participation: Given that in the process of developing previous applications, I managed to build a Design System and principles for organizing UI applications, based on that experience, I made clickable application prototypes. Sketch - Invision - Zeplin. Developed all needed graphics.


Adobe Animate
Adobe Creative Suite
After Effects
Branding & Identity
Character Animation
Digital Illustration
Figma (Software)
Flash Animation
Graphic design
Interaction Design
Logo Design
Mobile Devices
Sketch App
Software Design
User-centered Design
User Experience
User Interface
User Interface Design
UX/UI design
Web Applications
Web Development

Work experience

Senior UX/UI designer
since 02.2013 - Till the present day |Bercut.com
My task: An important task was to rethink the usual patterns of user behavior on desktop applications (delphi, java) and turn it to web ui without dramatical changing user experience. Moreover that application was made on hierarchical princeps so I tried to restyle classical tree component look and feel. My participation: Given that in the process of developing previous applications, I managed to build a Design System and principles for organizing UI applications, based on that experience, I made clickable application prototypes. Sketch - Invision - Zeplin. Developed all needed graphics.
Senior graphical designer
12.2005 - 02.2013 |Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
Development of User Interfaces (for TV, PC and mobile devices), creation of mockups, development of all types of graphics, development of interaction workflows between software developers and designers as part of a project lifecycle. Participated in the following projects: • MiViewTV (IP television) for Telefonica (Spain, Brazil), Cyta (Cyprus), CHT (China), Austria Telecom. - Graphical designer. - UI Development. - Creation of animated effects. - UI Customization for customers, working directly on the customer side (Brazil, Spain, France). • CMDM (content management system). - GUI designer. - Graphical designer. - Development of client and admin applications GUI. - Development of a full set of required graphics. UI elements, icons, etc. • OnLine TV (IPTV for mobile devices). - Graphical designer. - GUI development subject t- the characteristics of specific devices and operating systems (Android, RIM, iOS). • Multimedia platform for the Santander bank (Brazil). - GUI/graphical designer. - Development of client and admin applications GUI. - Development of a full set of required graphics. UI elements, icons, etc. • Since 2007 development of all graphical elements for all projects in the R&D Alcatel department. - GUI/graphical designer. - Icons, prototypes, presentations, graphics, drawings.
Multimedia lab Lead
10.2003 - 12.2005 |Digital Expert
• Development of UI for educational apps and cartoons; • Monitoring of app's look-and-feel.
Graphical designer, cartoonist
12.2001 - 10.2003 |QuickMind
GUI design; Graphical design; • Development of UI for children’s educational portal Quickmind.com (U.S.A.); • Creation of cartoons; • Development of games’ UI.
Graphical designer, cartoonist
01.2001 - 10.2003 |Engine37
• Development of flash web-sites for engine37 (U.S.A.): • Development of educational and advertising cartoons.

Educational background

Doctor of medecine, cardiology (Masters Degree)
1995 - 2000
Pavlov First State Medical University of St. Petersburg


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