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Registration: 07.11.2018


Landing page layout

Task: to develop a landing page of the updated project THE ZHENSHINY. Design and layout were implemented with the insertion of a timer and the addition of a subscription form. Using a PHP script, it is possible to change the display of the landing page depending on the URI. This was required so that one landing could serve several purposes. Unfortunately, at the present time we can't check out the landing page, because it is replaced by the project itself

Website development, WordPress theme development

Task : to develop website for the THE ZHENSHINY project, an online magazine authored by several bloggers. CMS WORDPRESS theme development. The most relevant post is shown on the main page, then four other posts, the forms of subscription , or one of the authors' quote are shown. Information is loaded as you scroll (endless scrolling). Each post on the main page is shown with a photo, a photo of the author, and a brief description of the author. The main menu displays information pages and links to social networks. On the post’s post page there are photos of the post, photo of the author, text, form of subscription, similar posts, comments from Vkontakte and Facebook, “Save” and “Like” and "Share" buttons. On the authors' pages, there are the author’s photos and a text about him, the links to his accounts on social network and his projects. personal form of subscription and all posts of this author.

Website development for THE ZHENSHINY project

Task : to create a three-column WordPress journal blog for an author’s blog. Entries on the home page are displayed in three columns with a sidebar on the right. The sidebar contains the original rubricator and social media widgets (Vkontakte and Facebook). The effects on the entries on the home page showing the number of views and comments were added. Layout is adapted for mobile devices. There are Facebook and Vkontakte comments widgets, "Share" and "Like" buttons on the post page.



Work experience


Educational background

Educational institution

