Konstantin Shpolvind
I have consistently delivered successful projects on time and to a high quality. My input played a major role enabling the product team to comply with financial regulations ahead of schedule during the COVID-19 crisis,while delivering a robust and thoroughly implemented solution that works effectively. I was instrumental in the successful and timely completion of Line of Credit, Installment Loan, and Custom Due Date Loan products. I take pride in having played a major role in dramatically increasing the product team's velocity, particularly in devising an automated functional testing framework that facilitated thorough testing and acceptance of products and features,significantly reducing product launch timeframes. My efforts have had a positive impact on customers in multiple continents.
As a Senior Software Engineer with extensive experience in backend development, I have proven my expertise in integrating Fleet Card project with payments gateway and introducing fleet resource allocation & quotas system. This has enabled customers to enjoy a frictionless experience when managing their money, and improved the effectiveness of customer acquisition and customer success KPI. My work has demonstrated a passion for pushing the boundaries of what is possible, as well as a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. I also have worked extensively with Backend and Database technologies asa Senior Software Engineer on the Sport level project. I have designed and written software in PHP and actively contributed to the development of the ir cutting-edge service. By implementing an events search mechanism, I have improved the customer experience significantly, along with vast improvements to the Sport Level API performance which has had a positive influence on customer success KPI.
I have played key roles in the development of software for Acronis LLC. Myprimary engagement has been in the areas of PHP backend and JavaScript frontend. My achievements include developing a protection against CSRF attacks in Acronis Backup for VMWare, and integrating Acronis Cloud Backup with Odin Service Automation; both of which have been instrumental in delivering improved customer experience and enhancing customer success.