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Registration: 14.10.2024
South Geryon
Zero-Code platform for AR Creation
Development of AR conversion mechanisms with subsequent packaging into a set of Web services with a control panel in a Web environment.
Custom AR Display App
Development of native AR applications on Android and IOS.
Neural network noise and echo suppression module for videoconferencing platform of the Russian bank
● A dataset of various sounds and noises was collected to train a neural network for voice extraction. ● The module was developed in Python with subsequent transfer to C++. ● The module implements intelligent noise reduction in real time
CSSPythonDockerSpring BootAdobe PhotoshopAWSSQLFlutterKotlinRESTTypeScriptLaraveljQueryBusiness AnalysisiOSProduct ManagementJenkinsReduxNode.jsAgileScrumPHPWeb DesignQAFigmaAndroidRedisJavaScriptCMongoDBPostmanGitLinuxBashKafkawebpackPostgreSQLSpringGitLabDevOpsRabbitMQC++WindowsHTMLProject Management