Eleke Great
Skillseeds Limited
- Design Rest API with Django rest framework. - Convert bootstrap 4 website to React Redux Frontend. - Work with FastApi on MongoDB - Test Driven Developer using Python. - Work with git version control. - Work with Agile methodologies. - Developers team lead. - Work flow algorithm analysis. - Working with Algorithm and Good project Data structures. Projects: 1. Votemaina. A multi-vendor voting platform. • Voting platform used by multiple organization to secure votes. • Built with React, TypeScript, Styled Components, Django Rest Framework and Docker. • Focused on accessibility by implementing Large Scale System design pattern and tested with Jest. 2. Do-It. A way for people to manage their tasks. • Task manager I still use myself to manage my tasks ans has 200+ users. • Built with React, TypeScript, Styled Components, Zustand, React Beautiful DnD, React Firebase Hook and Firebase. • Focused on accessibility by implementing inclusive design pattern and tested with NVDA screen reader. • Implement accessible Drag and Drop functionality. 3. GetBeta. An app that helps you work out to get a desired body shape without a Gym instructor. • Helps 1000+ users become better with good physical structure. • Built on React and openAPI GymAPI. • Implemented optimistic UI. 4. Raveny. A website where people can find recipes and find them based on different criteria. • Built with React, TypeScript and Style Components. • Wrote tests using Jest, Testing Library, Cypress and Mock Service Worker. • Improve the accessible state of the app after having learned more on large scale system and accessibility.
Genesy Techhub
- Introduced team practices that helped us move faster, such as Pair Reviews and Stop and Fix. - Made the site more accessible, which is important since many of our users are young voters. - Actively wrote tests, integration/unit with Jest and Testing Library, and E2E Tests with Pentf and Puppeteer. - Worked on frontend with React, JavaScript/TypeScript, NestJs, StyleComponents, & react-i18next. Used by over 3 million users. - Worked with Django, FastAPI, Django Rest Framework, Python, NodeJs and NestJs for building Microservices and Monolithic API Architecture. - Documented usage of performance APIs in React, which increased the code quality. - Helped with Organizational task such as negotiating tradeoffs, setting up dev teams and moderating our weekly Dev meeting.
- Review the Django rest framework API. - Review the React code. - Run my own build of the project and check if the codes in the book works. - Recommend the best to structure the codes for proper understanding. - Review Pages of there FARM Stack Project. - Test all the codes in the textbook and provide the best possible solution. - Apply React 18 best practices. - Apply FastAPI 3.8.0 and make sure the codes are executable. - Study the Database design of the Textbook and recommend changes.