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Registration: 21.10.2022

Yuri Gridin

Specialization: Full Stack Developer / Architect
— Seasoned technologist with hands-on proficiency in both web and server-side tech. — Analytical skills, attention to detail, and ability to think out-of-the-box. — Experience spanning wide range of technologies, industries and SDLC phases.
— Seasoned technologist with hands-on proficiency in both web and server-side tech. — Analytical skills, attention to detail, and ability to think out-of-the-box. — Experience spanning wide range of technologies, industries and SDLC phases.


Mobile Marine Weather App

Sole Creator

Online Board Game

Sole Creator This is still WIP, and not the latest

CitiGroup, NA

● Primary UI technical resource behind the rollout of the CITIFTP - very large system, at the core of CITI business used by hundreds of employees around the globe. Shared leading 5-6 UI teams of 3-6 developers each in EST time, with the offshore UI architect in IST time. ● Responsibilities include writing technical guides and standards, code reviews, hand-coding complexities, gatekeeping the commons, overall UI design, and moving between teams to backfill the lack of developers where needed. ● Dealt with datetime complexities of the system users in different timezones. ● Introduced, provided guidance and got the acceptance of the testing culture and TDD, using Protractor, Karma and Jasmine/Jest. Headed the automated testing effort. ● Designed and implemented : - Analytics using Piwick (Open Source version of Google Analytics). - Tableau Reports interface. - User activity monitoring/auditing using ELK (Elastic, Logstash, Kibana) stack, and created Kibana dashboard for upper management. - Systemwide standardized https communication service with streamlined error handling, client side caching using rxjs replay feature, and auditing. Similar functionality to ReactQuery. - Systemwide component communication service using rxjs - essentially a global store. - Theming using Material and PrimeNg.


Hibernate / JPA
Jasmine / Karma / Jest
Data Modeling
React / Redux

Work experience

Till 05.2001 |Ionidea Inc
● Taught the course in CHORDIANT OO methodology for the employees.
Till 10.2007 |QRT Management LLC - Hedge Fund
C++, Swing, Java
● Gathered requirements, designed, developed and implemented the Trader Controller application using Swing, sockets/threads, peer-to-peer communication model.The app brought together multiple traders, each running C++ trading program on their PC under the supervision of the trading boss, running the Trader Controller Swing app on his PC. ● Demonstrated the use of java open-source FixForJ classes, facilitating the use of the FIX communication protocol, universally used in electronic trading.
UI Architect / Project Technical Lead
04.2020 - 08.2022 |CitiGroup
Angular 8-13, PrimeNg, Material, Bootstrap, Elastic, Logstash, Kibana
● Primary UI technical resource behind the rollout of the CITIFTP - very large system, at the core of CITI business used by hundreds of employees around the globe. Shared leading 5-6 UI teams of 3-6 developers each in EST time, with the offshore UI architect in IST time. ● Responsibilities include writing technical guides and standards, code reviews, hand-coding complexities, gatekeeping the commons, overall UI design, and moving between teams to backfill the lack of developers where needed. ● Dealt with datetime complexities of the system users in different timezones. ● Introduced, provided guidance and got the acceptance of the testing culture and TDD, using Protractor, Karma and Jasmine/Jest. Headed the automated testing effort. ● Designed and implemented: - Analytics using Piwick (Open Source version of Google Analytics). - Tableau Reports interface. - User activity monitoring/auditing using ELK (Elastic, Logstash, Kibana) stack, and created Kibana dashboard for upper management. - Systemwide standardized https communication service with streamlined error handling, client side caching using rxjs replay feature, and auditing. Similar functionality to ReactQuery. - Systemwide component communication service using rxjs - essentially a global store. - Theming using Material and PrimeNg.
Senior Developer
01.2020 - 02.2020 |IEEE
React, Bootstrap, Java 8, Spingboot/Spring Security/SpringData, Oracle. Jira, Confuence, Git, Agile
● Helped the IEEE team to Go-Live very complex group collaboration system, that IEEE uses to develop engineering standards. ● Mostly dealt with internationalization and special characters, abundant in IEEE business.
Senior Solution Architect / Developer
02.2019 - 12.2019 |Federal Home Loans Bank of NY
Tidal, Jhipster, Angular 6, Node, Bootstrap, Java 8, Spingboot / Spring Security / SpringData, Oracle, MSSQL Server and Crystal Reports, SDLC / CI / CD, AWS, Jira, Confuence, Fisheye, Jenkins, Maven, Git, SonarQube
● Led the team from inception to ahead-of-schedule completion of the two full-stack projects - the complex ETL project, and US sanctions compliance project. ● Analysis, design and coding front and back.
Architect / Developer
06.2018 - 01.2019 |Open Source Inc
Angular 6, Angular 8, Socket.io, Heroku cloud
● Private project (Complex board game implementation) utilizing Angular 6 and Socket.io. ● Migrated to Angular 8. Beta now deployed on Heroku cloud.
UI Architect / Lead Developer
04.2017 - 05.2018 |Morgan Stanley
Spring 4, Java 8, Greenplum, Angular 6
● Financial Risk Modeling System (Exposures, Fed Mandated Scenarios,Value At Risk models, TR and CV Var models) with ExtJS 4 then 6 in front, Spring4/Java 8/Greenplum in the back. The system was notable for huge amounts of data and very intensive risk calculations in the back, which necessitated a separate http call for each grid column, and the complex algorithm to merge the columns into a single grid, when the next piece of data arrives. ● Angular 6 evaluation and recommendations to senior management.
Consultant / TeamLead / UI Architect / Developer
09.2016 - 04.2017 |CitiGroup
Spring 4, JPA, Sybase, Oracle, Maven , Junit, Angular 4 POCs
● New features for HR System (CHAT) keeping track of personnel expenses worldwide, utilizing ExtJS 5.1.2/6.0.2 in front, Spring4/JPA/Sybase/Oracle in the back. ● Designed and implemented new ETL Processing for JADE system with SpringBoot, JPA and Java 8 streams and lambdas. ● Setup Coding and team infrastructure setup with Sencha CMD, Maven, Junit, Angular 4 POCs.
Consultant / TeamLead
05.2015 - 07.2016 |Denso International
Spring 4, iBATIS, DB2, SQLServer
● New features for new inventory/sales system, utilizing ExtJS 5.0/6.0 in front, Spring4/Ibatis/DB2/SQLServer in the back. ● Coding and team infrastructure setup with Sencha CMD, Maven, Junit etc.
Consultant / TeamLead / UI Architect
08.2014 - 02.2015 |Bed, Bath and Beyond Inc
Spring, Lucene, JDBC, DB2
● Agile development of the new merchandise delivery system for all the stores in BBB chain, utilizing ExtJS 4 in front, Spring/Lucene/JDBC/DB2 in the back. ● Keeping track of warehouse inventory, stores inventory, trucks, and scheduling/managing deliveries to the stores. ● Noteworthy were custom-made and complex views/widgets/color schemes. ● As a team lead/ architect was responsible for the design and implementation of the non-standard stuff.
Consultant / Senior Developer / TeamLead
07.2013 - 08.2014 |Barclays Capital
Mongo, Express, Angular, Node
● Prototyped systems and technologies for various client-facing projects Led different teams on initial phases of implementation. ● Designed and prototyped Barclay's brand new client facing Risk Management Portal, integrating Spring, SmartGWT, HighCharts.js library and Light Streamer.js web push library. ● Wrote SMARTGwt/JSNI wrapper around Light Streamer.js. ● Prototyped for architects team review Angular 1.x app framework utilizing Mongo/Express/Angular/Node stack and implementing CRUD/Search/Filter functionality. ● Wrote RESTful web service wrapper around massive Barclay's analytical engine and complementing SMARTGWT clients (Risk Calculators). ● Risk Calculator pic at https://www.screencast.com/t/DWubIuzul.
Consultant / Senior Developer
08.2012 - 07.2013 |Columbia University
MGWT, Touch4J, SmartGWTMobile
● Law School registration system utilizing SmartGWT with JasperReports. ● Full CRUD, saveable searches based on Hibernate criteria, PDF, XLS report viewing, printing and exporting – video at http://screencast.com/t/AWFudlMRsb4. ● 3 HTML5 Mobile app prototypes using MGWT, Touch4J and SmartGWTMobile, all integrated with Columbia’s Spring back-end.
Consultant / Senior Developer
04.2012 - 08.2013 |Huge Inc
Spring, WebFlow, Tiles, Jquery
● Agile team development of the B2C e-commerce website for Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. Both front and back end work, conversion from Struts2 to Spring MVC with security and validation, WebFlow, Tiles, Jquery, two layers of JAXB Webservices (SOA), Teamsite content management, internationalization.
Consultant / Front End Developer / Architect
03.2012 - 04.2012 |MK Concepts Inc
JavaScript, Google Maps API
● Developed and published a cutting edge cross-platform (any phone/tablet) mobile app, utilizing SenchaTouch 2/ExtJS 4 Javascript Framework with Google Maps API. ● The application is a marine navigational/planning aid, providing latest oceanographic data, supplied via JSONP calls to various third-party APIs (NOAA, worldweatheronline.com, weather.com). ● The app is no longer published on Google Play as First Mate Marine Weather.
Consultant / Enterprise Architect / Team Lead
06.2011 - 03.2012 |NBC/Universal
Scrum, Eclipse, SVN, JIRA/ Greenhopper, Hibernate3/JPA 2, Ehcache, Spring, Tomcat
● Responsible for application framework, business requirements, best practices, patterns, code reviews, team guidance and assistance, release management, POCs and inter-team coordination. ● Designed and lead the 7-developer team in implementation of a new BI system, which would let users design their own reports, submit them with variable parameters for Report Engine execution and view the resulting PDFs or Excel. ● Designed, won acceptance of, and configured the new team/project infrastructure and procedures (Scrum, Eclipse, SVN, JIRA/ Greenhopper (designed custom SDLC workflow), Maven2, Bamboo, Confluence, Fisheye, Crucible, Selenium and Junit testing frameworks) and wrote necessary scripts for all of the above, creating consolidated seamless team environment. ● Recommended and won acceptance of the new software tech stack comprised of ExtJS (3.2.2), annotated Hibernate3/JPA 2, Ehcache, Spring, Tomcat and CrystalReports. ● Designed and wrote the multithreaded, highly scalable Report Engine with special emphasis on component re-use.
Consultant / Senior Developer
08.2010 - 06.2011 |Goldman Sachs
ExtJS (3.2.2), SQLServer, annotated Hibernate/JPA 2, Spring, Jetty, Tomcat
● Designed and implemented new Project Management System, featuring sophisticated data mining/filtering/presentation, data exports to e-mail, PDF, Excel, cross-domain RESTful Webservices calls from javascript, fully RESTful back-end, data entry with optimistic locking and auditing via JPA 2 AOP interceptor. ● Tech stack was ExtJS (3.2.2), SQLServer, annotated Hibernate/JPA 2, Spring, Jetty and Tomcat. Seemlessly integrated ux-livegrid, ux-gridfilters, ckEditor and other user community javascript plug-ins.
Consultant / Senior Developer / TeamLead
07.2010 - 08.2010 |Axion LLC
MySQL, Hibernate / JPA 2 annotations, Guice, Gin, Warpspeed, GXT, Tomcat, MVP, Command, Extended Presenter Patterns, Code-Splitting
● Implemented my own GXT framework (same as Teachscape, Citigroup below) to be used for Axion's application suite, and prototyped two applications with it.
Consultant / TeamLead / Senior Developer
05.2010 - 07.2010 |Citigroup Inc
Oracle, Hibernate/JPA 2 annotations, Guice, Gin, Warpspeed, GXT, Tomcat
● Leading the team of five, tasked with developing scalable, yet simple to use, GXT applications framework, to be used by multiple offshore teams, with limited knowledge of GXT platform to write uniform GXT applications for Citigroup. ● Single-handedly wrote the complete Guice back end in a very short timeframe with not a single XML configuration file. Implemented MVP, Command and extended Presenter patterns on the front end.
Consultant / TeamLead / Senior Developer
07.2009 - 04.2010 |Teachscape Inc
GWT/ GXT, Spring, MYSQL, Maven2
● Analyzed considerably complex requirements, designed and coded the prototype, and then led the team in implementing the cutting edge VideoPlus Teacher Evaluation System, which was designed to automate the classroom evaluation process, well described by http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/07/magazine/07Teachers-t.html. ● The system had many advanced features such as no server side state, the custom Flash player with 3 synchronous video streams, one of them panoramic, the ability to bookmark video timeline, and store the bookmarks for later analysis. Other features were reusable, configurable and stateful widgets, and the rules engine, facilitating structured, role/workflow-based user experience. ● The prototype was done with GWT/gwt-ext, custom Flash player with JSNI interface to GWT, Spring, hibernate, and memory-resident HSQL, while the full-fledged system featured GWT/ GXT, Flash player , Guice and hibernate with MYSQL. Maven2 was used for building and Jetty for serving. MVP, Command and extended Presenter patterns were implemented using GWT's EventBus.
Senior Developer
08.2008 - 03.2009 |MediaMath LLC, (Web Advertising)
Agile, Eclipse, Tomcat 5, Spring, MYSQL
● Was part of the 3-man team tasked with Agile development of new On-Line Advertising Trading and Bid Management system, communicating with Yahoo’s Right Media and Google’s AdEcn Ad Exchanges using SOAP-based APIs and browser front-end. ● Did server-side development using Eclipse, Tomcat 5, Spring container with MVC, transaction management, AOP interceptors, Acegi security, Hibernate mapping, ehcache strategies, JUNIT tests, AXIS webservices, Quartz schedulers, annotated POJOs, SVN code management, LOG4J logging, MYSQL data modeling with TOAD. ● Client-side development with Firebug, HTML, Javascript, Spring MVC, Webflow, Jfreechart and Velocity. ● Designed and implemented recursive algorithms for managing and persisting certain data structures.
01.2008 - 06.2008 |S&P Equities Research Division
Scrum, Hibernate, Oracle, Spring, Eclipse
● Was part of the team tasked with Scrum development of brand new subscription-only web portal, www.marketscope.com utilizing ExtJS/AJAX/JSON in front, Spring MVC in the middle, and Hibernate/ORACLE in the back, served by Weblogic and then Tomcat 5. ● Responsible for complete front-to-back authentication/authorization implementation utilizing 3rd party ERIGHTS package. ● Also responsible for complete front-to-back functionality of the reusable, configurable "Users' Saved Searches" module. ● Was responsible for S&P internal webservice, which served up template documents and market data to research analysts workstations. ● Webservice also accepted research documents and market stories, provided by S&P analysts, and disseminated them to various news organizations via multiple Message Queues (MQ and EMS). ● Configured MQs via XML. ● Wrote ANT build/deploy scripts targeting Weblogic and utilizing CASTOR-generated helper classes and Weblogic servicegen utility to generate a Webservice server. Provided team guidance on Spring and Eclipse.
10.2001 - 01.2008 |Home Box Office (HBO)
Oracle WebLogic, PL/SQL, C++
● Responsible for all administration, new development and production support of: - Business Intelligence app (SAGE) using Weblogic, JDBC, EJB, Oracle. - Marketing Research app (CDB) using Oracle, heavy PL/SQL, Business Objects. - Very large, mission critical, Billing app (SMART) using UDS App Server, Oracle. - Mission critical ETL app (SAGELoad) using UDS App Server, Oracle. ● Refactored the above applications to support new business - HighDef and OnDemand services. ● Was part of on-site/off-shore team, tasked with converting SMART and SAGELoad to Weblogic/Spring configuration. ● Refactored SMART and SAGE to use single sign-on via LDAP (MSActive Directory) authentication over SSL. (SMART programmatically, SAGE declaratively). ● Managed and coordinated multiple Weblogic, Oracle, C++, UDS and JDK upgrades, and application releases, including test harnesses setup and regression testing (planning and implementation). ● Refactored CDB application, externalizing the ETL processing rules into end-user modifiable decision tables, therefore eliminating the need to programmatically support very fluid business requirements (heavy PL/SQL). ● Refactored all incoming/outgoing interfaces for SMART to use PL/SQL procedures. ● Refactored back-end batch processing of SMART and SAGE systems into a flexible, sophisticated tool, using shell scripts, Autosys, Oracle SQLLoader, FTP, sendmail and PERL. Migrated it from AIX to Solaris to Linux.
04.2000 - 12.2000 |Metropolitan Life Insurance
Java, PL/SQL
● Was part of the Turn-Around Document Project team. Responsibilities included R&D, 3rd-party software evaluations, POC design/coding, and architecture/design recommendations to senior management. ● The final mix of components included Java servlets, UDS services, PL/SQL procedures, elements of CHORDIANT framework, parts of JetForms Forms Management package, Unix sendmail and Korn shell scripts. ● The TAD 24/7 system accepted data from the browser, generated pre-filled documents in PDF or Postscript formats and distributed them via web, e-mail, or snail-mail.
02.1993 - 03.2000 |Credit Lyonnais US
● Designed, implemented and managed brand new - FX Rates System. - Reference Data Maintenance System. - Business Calendar Subsystem. - Interest Calculator Subsystem. ● All were done in UDS App Server with SYBASE back-end and legacy interfaces in a multi-platform configuration, which included NT clients and OpenVMS and Solaris servers. ● All systems featured SOA architecture with shared services, multithreading, distributed transactions, write-through caching, audit trail and journaling. ● Developed and maintained batch SWIFT system interface capable of generating SWIFT transactions (Credit/Debit Advice, Customer Statements, 933, 950 types and others) from the data residing in SYBASE and in RMS files. ● Developed legacy systems interface for the above systems utilizing DCL, COBOL, C and SYBASE BCP on openVMS. ● Also was responsible for on-going maintenance and customization of the other bank systems (Statements, Reporting, FICS, SWIFT etc utilizing COBOL and C on openVMS).
02.1991 - 05.1992 |Credit Lyonnais US
VMS, COBOL, C, DECnet, Rdb
● Designed and implemented client-server Customer Statements System integrating all aspects of SWIFT, TELEX and mailed statements from production to archiving. (VMS COBOL, POSTSCRIPT, DEC windows). ● Implemented a client-server extension of the NYSE Market Data Feed supplied by third party to update bank's database over the network in real-time. (VMS, COBOL, C, DECnet, Rdb).
01.1989 - 01.1991 |MCI International
● Was a Project Leader of 4-man team, which was responsible for design and implementation of Telephone Traffic Analysis System (VMS, FMS, COBOL, TPU and SMG).
10.1988 - 12.1988 |United Nations
● Designed and implemented Telephone Billing Reconciliation System. (Solo effort, VMS, COBOL, FMS).
Principal Consultant / CEO
1987 - 2021 |Open Source Inc
Principal Consultant
● Clients included: FHLBNY, Barclays Capital, Columbia U Law School, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Credit Agricole, MetLife , Dun & Bradstreet, Deloitte Touche, S&P, Denso NA, BBB, MediaMath LLC (web ads trading), Mercedes-Benz NA, HBO, NBCu, Chemical Bank, United Nations, Teachscape (education) Ministry of Education Ontario, MCI, Bell Atlantic, Pfizer, Colgate, W.R Grace, Avon, Canron Steel, Transammonia Inc, Ault Foods, Marine Engineers Union.

