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Registration: 29.01.2024

Sergei Rastaturin

Specialization: 1C Developer



- Participation in a project to automate accounting based on BIT-finance on 1C Accounting 3.0 configuration as architect-analyst. - Development and adaptation organization business process for automatization them in BIT-finance configuration. - Web services integration. - Setting and accepting tasks for contractors. - Improvements performance optimization. - SQL-servers administration. - Analysis of business processes, making BPMN notations. - Users consulting.

ZAO “Donstroy-invest”

- Performance optimization of an atypical configuration BIT Finance based on Account 2.0. - Improving the performance of batch processing of information by 2 or more times. (Group processing of visas, holding documents, work with document forms). - Transfer of atypical BIT Finance from Account 2.0 to version 3.0. Writing business processes, user consultation. - Integration of systems with 1C "Document Management" means of a library of seamless integration.


- Budget mechanism adaptation for the enterprise needs. - Create conditional fact indicator (account historical data with the growth rate). -Planning mechanism change. Users can select planning scenario for each planning period. - Expansion of the wage costs budget mechanism. Salary budget displayed at the separate table, which fill from the specify Salary database, in the context of employees and periods. - Implementation of GAAP (4.4.5) in IFRS. Development of an accounting algorithm, with the IFRS department. Implementation of the algorithm in BIT - Finance as soon as possible. (External contractors estimated the completion at 3 million rubles and several months of work, we did in two weeks). - Improving the performance of the BIT-Finance configuration. Increase productivity by 2 times or more. - Participation in the analysis of the company's business processes during the implementation of the ERP. The construction of flowcharts, the adaptation of business processes for the ERP. Transfer of balances and documents from BP 3.0 Corp to ERP 2.0. - E-mail coordination mechanism development, without data base configuration changing. Obtaining these visas by the regulatory task. Distribution of notifications in the absence of approvers. - Writing data exchanges in Enterprise Data format (Data Conversion 3.0) - Setting up MS SQL, setting up database maintenance plans.



Work experience

IT business analyst
02.2018 - 05.2023 |Cummins
- Participation in a project to automate accounting based on BIT-finance on 1C Accounting 3.0 configuration as architect-analyst. - Development and adaptation organization business process for automatization them in BIT-finance configuration. - Web services integration. - Setting and accepting tasks for contractors. - Improvements performance optimization. - SQL-servers administration. - Analysis of business processes, making BPMN notations. - Users consulting.
Senior 1C Developer
07.2017 - 08.2020 |IFF
- Budget mechanism adaptation for the enterprise needs. - Create conditional fact indicator (account historical data with the growth rate). -Planning mechanism change. Users can select planning scenario for each planning period. - Expansion of the wage costs budget mechanism. Salary budget displayed at the separate table, which fill from the specify Salary database, in the context of employees and periods. - Implementation of GAAP (4.4.5) in IFRS. Development of an accounting algorithm, with the IFRS department. Implementation of the algorithm in BIT - Finance as soon as possible. (External contractors estimated the completion at 3 million rubles and several months of work, we did in two weeks). - Improving the performance of the BIT-Finance configuration. Increase productivity by 2 times or more. - Participation in the analysis of the company's business processes during the implementation of the ERP. The construction of flowcharts, the adaptation of business processes for the ERP. Transfer of balances and documents from BP 3.0 Corp to ERP 2.0. - E-mail coordination mechanism development, without data base configuration changing. Obtaining these visas by the regulatory task. Distribution of notifications in the absence of approvers. - Writing data exchanges in Enterprise Data format (Data Conversion 3.0) - Setting up MS SQL, setting up database maintenance plans.
Senior 1C Developer
09.2016 - 07.2017 |ZAO “Donstroy-invest”
- Performance optimization of an atypical configuration BIT Finance based on Account 2.0. - Improving the performance of batch processing of information by 2 or more times. (Group processing of visas, holding documents, work with document forms). - Transfer of atypical BIT Finance from Account 2.0 to version 3.0. Writing business processes, user consultation. - Integration of systems with 1C "Document Management" means of a library of seamless integration.
Senior 1C Developer
06.2013 - 07.2015 |FGUP “Ohrana”
1C: Accounting
- Development functional, user consultation, building a RIB, writing data exchange. Work with large volumes of data (80 branches). Writing reports of varying complexity on SKD. - Development of a system based on 1C: Accounting 3.0, for the automation of the issuance of documents under contracts. - Successful implementation of the project on the consolidation of books of purchases / sales for VAT return from the parent organization (more than 5 million lines in the documents). - Development of a configuration (based on BSP) for collecting information from branches in various formats.
1C Developer
08.2012 - 06.2013 |OOO “ATT group”
- Setting the accounting structure in the Organization. - Implementation of the configuration "Rent and property management based on Account 2.0". - Development of reports on space occupancy. - Automation of the mechanism for entering contracts for rental objects.
1C Developer
08.2010 - 08.2012 |OOO “Elias information center”
- Work on the line of consultations, the creation of external printing forms, the creation of treatments, the completion of typical configurations based on 1C Enterprise 8.x, participating in projects as a developer, and conducting small projects. - Creation of mechanisms for sending SMS, Work with commercial equipment on the configuration of the soft starter (creation of processes for working with TSD). - Performing data transfer during the transition from atypical configurations of Account 1.6, UT 10.
1C Developer
02.2010 - 06.2010 |OOO “Live numbers”
- Work with 1C 7.8, preparation of external treatments, installation and updating.

Educational background

Till 2008
Civil Defense Academy
Automatic data information processing and management systems (Masters Degree)
2008 - 2014
Kazan Federal Univercity, Kazan

