Lead Software Developer
since 03.2017 - Till the present day |Wonderment Apps
C#, ASP.NET , IIS, Web.Api, HTML, jQuery, MS SQL Server, AWS
Project: Story Scout.
● As Software Developer, worked with team of 4 developers to develop online marketplace
that helps customers match stories from our publishing clients with the best film and
television production companies.
● C# Back-end development on API layer.
● Front-end development on ASP.Net MVC and jquery.
● Gathered requirements; undertook functionality implementation and testing, performed
code review.
Lead Software Developer
since 03.2017 - Till the present day |Wonderment Apps
.NET, C#, React, AWS Lambdas, AWS Stepfunctions, EF, MS SQL, .Net Core, Shopify API, Splunk, Vue, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, GIT, Win Forms
Project: Stamps / Photostamps & Branded Tracking Application.
● Work with team of up to 6 developers to develop a web based solution that allows customers
to include their favorite digital photographs, designs, or images on valid US Postal Service
postage, print them and ship to the customer.
● C# Back-end development on API layer.
● AWS Lambda function and AWS step functions development.
● Front-end development on React for Branded Tracking application.
● Front-end development on Vue.js for Photostamp application.
● Customize Shopify user-facing pages.
● Create Shopify Applications for customer facing area and admin section.
● Shopify API integration.
● Implemented a b2b API for integration with 3rd party vendors.
● Implemented a Win Forms application to integrate Zebra scan gun work with Photostamps
● Coordinated database implementation.
● Participated in communication with Client management and stakeholders on a regular basis.
● Participated in Requirements gathering, System Architecture and Technical Documentation
Lead Software Developer
since 03.2017 - Till the present day |Wonderment Apps
.NET Core, C#,, EF, Dapper, MS SQL, .Net, REST, Kibana, Grafana, Prometheus, Docker, Kubernetes, Kubectl, Jenkins, Bitbucket, GIT, Rancher, RabbitMQ
Project: IHerb / Orders and Fraud Team, Staff augmentation.
● Work within a team of up to 20 developers to develop a distributed microservices
solution responsible for iHerb services that handle orders after the customer completes the checkout process.
● C# Back-end development on API layer based on .NET and .NET core.
● Splitting old monolithic solution to microservices using DDD clean architecture.
● RabbitMQ consumers creation.
● Grafana dashboards creation based on Prometheus metrics.
● Unit Test and Integration tests creation and support.
● Load testing for critical parts of application using k6.
● Develop DB schema and stored procedures for MS-SQL database.
● Setup CI/CD pipeline for new services using docker, k8s, jenkins, helm, rancher.
● Participated in communication with Client management on a daily basis.
● Participated in System Architecture and Technical Documentation development.
Senior Software Developer
06.2015 - 03.2017 |Luxoft, a DSC Technology Company
C#, Asp.NET, Win Forms, IIS, .NET 4.5, HTML, Javascript, jQuery, Angular.js, , Bootstrap, MS SQL, Lucene
Project: Boeing – Boeing Production System.
● As Software Developer, corked in a team of 4 developers to create Aircraft Certification SAAS
● Responsible for effective and timely communication with management and QA team; Ensure
all company guidelines are followed.
● C# backend development.
● Angular frontend development.
● Lucene search integration.
● Implement functionality; supervise and undertake testing.
Senior Software Developer
02.2014 - 06.2015 |Mercurian Media
C#, MVC4, IIS, .NET 4.5,Web.Api, HTML, Javascript, jQuery, Knockout.js, Bootstrap, Dapper, MS SQL Server
Project: Compare Energy / Compare Broadband.
● As Software Developer, worked with team of 4 developers to develop web sites that provides consumers with an impartial, comprehensive and free Broadband Internet and Electricity and Gas comparison.
● Implemented front-end, back-end business logic, database layer.
Software Developer
02.2006 - 01.2014 |TulaCo
C#.NET, ASP.NET, IIS, .NET Framework, HTML, Web Service, Javascript
Project: Tagworld.
● As Software Developer, worked with team of 40 developers to develop a social network.
● Implemented front-end and back-end business logic.
Software Developer
02.2006 - 01.2014 |TulaCo
C#.NET, ASP.NET, IIS, .NET Framework, HTML, Javascript, WCF
Project: Viacom / Flux.com.
● As Software Developer, worked with team of 40 developers to develop a distributed social
network and an engine to create web sites with social networking integration.
● Implemented front-end and back-end business logic.
Software Developer
02.2006 - 01.2014 |TulaCo
C#, MVC 2, MVC3, IIS, .NET 4.0, WebAPI, HTML, Javascript, Linq2Sql, MSSQL
Project: StyleSpot / Kaboodle.
● As Software Developer, worked with team of 3 developers to develop a web based clothes
sales aggregator.
● Implemented front-end, back-end business logic, database layer.
Software Developer
02.2006 - 01.2014 |TulaCo
C#, ASP.Net MVC, IIS, .NET 4.5,Web.Api, HTML, Javascript, jQuery
Project: Burstly / SkyRocket.
● As Software Developer, worked with team of 7 developers to develop app monetization
solution for mobile devices to work with any ad partner.
● Created and maintained advertising patterns system for ads displaying on mobile devices.
Software Developer
09.2004 - 01.2006 |Luxoft, a DSC Technology Company
C#.NET, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, IIS, .NET Framework, HTML, ClearCase, ClearQuest, MSSQL
Project: Internal HR.
● As Software Developer, worked with team of 5 developers to develop a web based solution.
for Luxoft HR Department.
● Created ASP.Net Web Forms components for the system.
● User documentation development.