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Registration: 19.10.2023

Alexey Taranenko

Specialization: Senior QA Automation Engineer
I have theoretical and practical knowledge of types of testing: 1. Positive & Negative Testing. 2. Black Box & White Box Testing. 3. Unit - Integration - System Testing. 4. Validation & Verification Testing. 5. Functional, Regression Testing. 6. Acceptance ( Smoke ) Testing. 7. GUI Testing. Creating Requirements for a Test Object. Requirements documentation (Use cases). Application of Test Design Techniques for Test Cases compilation. Automated testing by Selenium-WebDriver + Java. Selenium Grid. Selenium Server. Automated testing REST API by Citrus framework + Java.
I have theoretical and practical knowledge of types of testing: 1. Positive & Negative Testing. 2. Black Box & White Box Testing. 3. Unit - Integration - System Testing. 4. Validation & Verification Testing. 5. Functional, Regression Testing. 6. Acceptance ( Smoke ) Testing. 7. GUI Testing. Creating Requirements for a Test Object. Requirements documentation (Use cases). Application of Test Design Techniques for Test Cases compilation. Automated testing by Selenium-WebDriver + Java. Selenium Grid. Selenium Server. Automated testing REST API by Citrus framework + Java.



• Testing Banking service API using Citrus Testing Framework (TestNG). • Developing automated tests for services based on SOAP, REST, JMS-MQ (IBM WebSphere), Kafka, JDBC(Oracle, Postgres). • Main issue is transferring IBM-MQ functionality on Kafka interaction. • Creation test projects on Java - Gradle. • Task and bug management in the JIRA program. • Bitbucket. CI-CD TeamCity. Logs monitoring in OpenSearch. • Developing testing documentation in Confluence.


• Testing Web(FrontEnd) site LATOKEN. • Testing crypto exchange functionality. • Developing automation tests using Selenide framework. • IDE Intellij Idea, Java language. • GitLab CI. • Bug report in JIRA program. • Documentation in Confluence. • Remote interaction in Discord application.


• Testing API in custom framework. • Developing automation tests. • IDE Eclipce, C# language. • CI-CD Git, Jenkins. • Automation testing WEB Applications using Selenium. • Bug report in JIRA program. • Documentation in Confluence.


Atlassian Confluence
Atlassian Jira
Intellij IDEA
MS Office
QA Automation Engineer
Spring Framework

Work experience

QA-Engineer Automation
since 10.2022 - Till the present day |Ekleft
SOAP, REST, JMS-MQ, IBM WebSphere, Kafka, JDBC, Oracle, Postgres, JIRA, Java, OpenSearch
• Testing Banking service API using Citrus Testing Framework (TestNG). • Developing automated tests for services based on SOAP, REST, JMS-MQ (IBM WebSphere), Kafka, JDBC(Oracle, Postgres). • Main issue is transferring IBM-MQ functionality on Kafka interaction. • Creation test projects on Java - Gradle. • Task and bug management in the JIRA program. • Bitbucket. CI-CD TeamCity. Logs monitoring in OpenSearch. • Developing testing documentation in Confluence.
QA-Engineer Automation
07.2022 - 09.2022 |Latoken
GitLab, JIRA, Java, Confluence
• Testing Web(FrontEnd) site LATOKEN. • Testing crypto exchange functionality. • Developing automation tests using Selenide framework. • IDE Intellij Idea, Java language. • GitLab CI. • Bug report in JIRA program. • Documentation in Confluence. • Remote interaction in Discord application.
QA-Engeneer Automation
03.2022 - 07.2022 |DataArt
C#, Selenium, JIRA, Confluence
• Testing API in custom framework. • Developing automation tests. • IDE Eclipce, C# language. • CI-CD Git, Jenkins. • Automation testing WEB Applications using Selenium. • Bug report in JIRA program. • Documentation in Confluence.
Leading QA-Engeneer Automation
12.2019 - 03.2022 |RTC IT
Java, Groovy, SoapUI, SOAP, JIRA, Confluence
• Testing API in SoapUI, automation tests in SoapUI (SOAP). • Use test frameworks Citrus, TestNG, Selenium. • Automation testing WEB Applications using Selenium. • Bug report in JIRA program. • Documentation in Confluence.
Leading QA-Engeneer Automation
06.2019 - 12.2019 |Alfa-insurance ltd
API, REST API, SOAP, REST, Java, Kotlin, Maven, Junit, ODk, Citrus, JIRA, CI, CD. Jenkins, GitLab, Agile, Scrum
• Testing API, REST API. • Developing automated tests for SOAP and REST services. • Creation test projects on Java, Kotlin, Maven. • Use test frameworks Junit, ODk, Citrus. • Monitoring and test result report in Allure framework. • Writing test-cases in accordance with Use-cases. • View and analyze Log files. • Task setting and defect management in the JIRA program. • CI, CD. Jenkins, GitLab. • Agile methodology or Scrum, Canban.
Leading QA-Engineer Automation
04.2018 - 06.2019 |MTS IT
Api, Rest Api, Ci Jenkins, Tdd, Bdd, Cucumber, Http, Https, Soap, Jms, Xml, Json, Soap Ui, Postman, Java, Jira
• Testing of the Bank Payment System. • Integration testing Web-servises, Microservises, API, REST API, CI Jenkins, TDD. BDD + Cucumber(Gherkin). • HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP, JMS (XML, JSON.) Integration testing using SOAP UI, POSTMAN. • Automated testing using CITRUS Framework + Java. • Writing test-cases in accordance with Use-cases. • View and analyze Log files. • Task setting and defect management in the Jira program. • Agile methodology or Scrum. Canban, Scrumban.
Engineer-tester in financial organizations
06.2017 - 04.2018 |Bell Integrator
Selenium, TestNG, SoapUI, SOAP, JIRA
• Automation testing WEB Applications using Selenium, TestNG. • Report test results in Allure. • Testing API in SoapUI, automation tests in SoapUI (SOAP). • Work with Atms Ncr, Wincor, Nautilus, Dors. • Self-service device software testing. • Setting test benches, configuration in the operating system. • Installing updates (release, service packs, builds). • Debugging the operation of ATM, IPT, AIPT, ADM. • Testing and tuning of modern Recycler ATMs. • View and analyze Log files. • Reporting on the Test-Case in the HP ALM program. • Task setting and defect management in the JIRA program.
Mobile Application Tester
11.2014 - 05.2017 |PS-Development
• Test mobile applications (Android). • Compilation of Test cases.
SEO optimizer
01.2012 - 10.2014 |SBF-IMPORT Ltd
CMS, Yandex, Google
• Creation of Automotive sites on various CMS platforms. • Using Joomla, Wordpress, OS-Commerce, Opencart, Ucos. • Promotion of company sites in search engines. • Adaptation of the site for search queries of Yandex, Google.
Content manager
03.2008 - 07.2011 |AMT-GROUP Ltd
Yandex, Google, CMS
• Adaptation of sites for search queries for Yandex, Google. • Creation of sites on CMS platforms. • Updating of catalogs of products of auto parts.

Educational background

Java Developer
Till 2018
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU)
Automechanical, Automobiles and Automobile Economy
Till 2013
Moscow State Open University. V.S. Chernomyrdin
QA Engeneer
Till 2016
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU)


ruAdvancedgbUpper Intermediate