Pavel Shvyrev
Infotecs, JSC
Managing the testing process on a project and a testing team consisting of three testers (manual) Namely: - Planning, distribution and control of testing work. - Communication with senior management and related development teams on various issues. - Providing reports to interested parties. - Mentoring, description of various guides, “best practice”. - Participation in interviewing candidates for the role of tester. - Assessing and monitoring the coverage of functionality (requirements) by tests. - Estimation of labor costs. - Control and maintenance of test documentation: test plans, checklists, testing reports. - Review of business and functional requirements. - Working according to Agile. - Development of autotests for REST API applications (C#/net5.0, Nunit3, RestSharp) support of existing API tests (postman +newman). - Writing autotests to automate web-UI checks (Selenium\Selenide, Java, Junit, Maven). - Writing load testing scripts and performing load testing (Jmeter, Grafana, Prometheus). - Setting up CI/CD builds and test environments (Teamcity, Octopus Deploy, ProxmoxVE, VMWare vSphere, Workstation, Docker).
Sibur Digital, JSC
- Development of UI autotests (Kotlin, Gitlab, Gradle, Allure, Selenium, JUnit, AssertJ, Spring Data JPA). - Maintaining test documentation (Allure TMS, Jira). - Work according to Scrum methodology.
AliExpress CIS
I act as a lead tester and perform the following functions: - Development of auto-tests for testing the application API. - Managing the testing process in a team. - Planning and control of testing work. - Estimation of labor costs. - Communication with senior management and related development teams on various issues - Participation in onboarding of new employees. - Assessment and control of the test domain. - Control and maintenance of test documentation. - Participation in events to support "Zero bug Policy". - Participation in "Live site review" and "Postmortems" events.