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• Developed a Dancely app for dancers and people who like dancing to help them find a partner to dance

Solly Company

• Built a web application where employers can post jobs and job seekers post their CVs and apply. for jobs using C#, ASP NET Core and PostgrSQL. • Deployed production-ready ASP.NET Core environment on an Ubuntu server using nginx. • After launch, we got 20K+ vacancies and 50K+ CVs.

Innoforce Group

• Developed an Avtobys app from scratch for bus payments. • Implemented payment by QR, Bluetooth, debit card, and by state number, bus tracking, balance recharge etc. • Run tests to identify design flaws and bugs, such as performing code reviews and performance analyses. • Increased rate of downloading the app by 10 times, daily downloads 250-300.


Android Studio
Visual Studio
VS Code

Work experience

Mobile Developer
since 03.2021 - Till the present day |First Heartland Jusan Bank
Dart, Flutter, Swift
- Developed the Jusan Junior app from scratch to improve the financial literacy of children aged 5 to 16. - Maintain current iOS applications by fixing bugs and improving application performance. - Engaged in writing the functional part of the application, code refactoring, bug fixes, etc. - Also supported projects on Swift and oversaw the transition to Flutter.
Mobile Developer
11.2019 - 03.2021 |Innoforce Group
Dart, Flutter, Swift
- Developed an Avtobys app from scratch for bus payments. - Implemented payment by QR, Bluetooth, debit card, and by state number, bus tracking, balance recharge etc. - Run tests to identify design flaws and bugs, such as performing code reviews and performance analyses. - Increased rate of downloading the app by 10 times, daily downloads 250-300.
IOS Developer
06.2019 - 11.2019 |Freelance
Swift, Flutter, Dart
- Developed a Task Manager app for scheduling and managing tasks using Swift. Implemented adding a task to list, dividing list into categories, subcategories, filtring, etc. - Built an ap TuraqShare for helping the user to see available parking places, rent them and give it to rent if you have one.
Backend Developer
09.2018 - 06.2019 |Solly Company
PostgrSQL, C#, ASP
- Built a web application where employers can post jobs and job seekers post their CVs and apply for jobs using C#, ASP NET Core and PostgrSQL. - Deployed production-ready ASP.NET Core environment on an Ubuntu server using nginx. - After launch, we got 20K+ vacancies and 50K+ CVs.
IOS intern
06.2017 - 08.2017 |NFactorialIncubator
Swift, Firebase, Alomofire, CoreData, AVKit, UIKit, FBSDKLoginKit
- Developed a Dancely app for dancers and people who like dancing to help them find a partner to dance.

Educational background

Erasmus+ Program
2017 - 2018
Instituto Superior De Engenharia De Lisboa
Computer Science (Masters Degree)
2016 - 2018
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Computer Science (Bachelor’s Degree)
2012 - 2016
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

