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Projects: - Project - New EPAM mission critical tool which will take responsibifity about all project entity workflow. Project Roles: - Team Lead.


Projects: - Mahara - Improve American business in finding oil localitions. - Gaia - Integrate the Ethereum blockhain with online game. - OPEN chain - Create a new blockhain. - File type library - Inmplement Microsoft specifications and emI format. Project Roles: - Developer. - Key Developer. - Team Lead.


Projects: - Nirvana connector - Development of the cloud-native connector between the largest GDS and the one of the largest hotel aggregator in South Africa.The connector implementation includes shopping, booking and post-booking fiows. Project Roles: - Dev Lead.


Cucumber BDD
Java core
JUnit Testing

Work experience

Senior Java, Kotlin Software Engineer
04.2022 - 12.2022 |DataArt, Georgia
Java, Git, Azure, Redis, Gradle, SpringBoot, Lombok, OpenCsv, Junit5
Projects: Nirvana connector - Development of the cloud-native connector between the largest GDS and the one of the largest hotel aggregator in South Africa. The connector implementation includes shopping, booking and post-booking flows. Project Roles: Dev Lead. Development, team leadership, creation and implementation of architecture, implementation and integration of third-party APIs.
Senior Java, Kotlin Developer
04.2021 - 02.2022 |TangoMe, Minsk
Java, Kotlin, SQL, MySQL, Kubernetes, Git, Grafana, Gradle, NewRelic, Spring, SpringBoot, Mockito, Junit5, Feign, Circuit Breaker, Mapstruct, Flyway, Prometheus, Netty, Test containers
Projects: Tango - The leading video live- streaming platform. Project Roles: Key developer. Was in the infra team. Was engaged in code refactoring, rewriting old technologies for new ones, transferring project assembly to new rails, delivering them to production. Created and implemented architectures for splitting multiliths into microservices. Created modules, starters, libraries.
Senior Kotlin Developer
02.2021 - 03.2021 |Artezio, Minsk
Team Lead Java Developer
10.2019 - 02.2021 |EPAM Inc., Minsk
Java, SQL, IntelliJ Idea, Maven, Git, Spring, SpringBoot, Mockito, Junit5, Hibernate, Unirest, Kafka, Avro, Mapstruct, Liquibase, Swagger
Projects: Project - New EPAM mission critical tool which will take responsibifity about all project entity workflow. Project Roles: Team Lead. Mentoring junior developers, project leadership, communication and sprint planning with management. Planning and architecture of new features. Communication with teams to create communication protocols via API, message brokers. Code refactoring, implementation and integration of various APIs into the system.
Senior Java, Kotlin Developer
01.2018 - 08.2019 |Zensoft, Minsk
Java, Kotlin, SQL, Kotlin/Native, Postgres, Sqlite3, IntelliJ Idea, Gradle, Maven, Git, Postman, Hibernate, Flyway, SpringBoot, JSON, RabbitMQ, JUnit, Jacoco, Netty, Web3j
Projects: Mahara - Improve American business in finding oil localitions. Gaia - Integrate the Ethereum blockhain with online game. OPEN chain - Create a new blockhain. File type library - Inmplement Microsoft specifications and emI format. Project Roles: - Developer. - Key Developer. - Team Lead.
Java Developer
12.2016 - 12.2017 |Effective Soft, Minsk
Java, Git

Educational background

"Industrial software development" at intransition
Special Trainings / Courses
Bachelor of Science: The Faculty Information Technlogies and Robotics
2009 - 2012
Belarusian National Technical University

