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Registration: 30.09.2024
Gilzor cases
The Gilzor dev cases from 2021 till Now.
Develop a comprehensive system that centralizes projects, tasks, time tracking, team distributing and coordination, automated invoicing and reporting to clients, salary and bonuses tracking, etc. Develop a solution for quick and seamless deployment of the system on cloud servers of client’s using Digital Ocean, AWS, Google Cloud Platform. Develop a mechanism for encrypting client data used to deploy the system.
To develop four native applications: for stores’ employees to manage sales (iOS, Android), for buyers to proceed purchase (iOS, Android). To develop the backend part of the application. Flashfood.com
CSSDockerWebflowAWSSQLWebSocketsASP.NETWeb Services DevelopmentSwiftKotlinRESTTypeScriptLaravelWebAPIiOSAndroid Architecture ComponentsReduxJUnitNode.jsAgileGitHub.NETScrumPHPWeb DesignQAFigmaKubernetesAndroidRedisAzureMongoDBGitKafkawebpackPostgreSQLGitLabMySQLlogo designJiraAPIHTMLProject ManagementGraphQL