Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) is a software development process that emerged from Test Driven Development (TDD). It enhances the communication between tech and non-tech teams and stakeholders. Here are some advantages of hiring a BDD developer:
. Improved Communication: BDD developers can help bridge the gap between developers, testers, business analysts, and stakeholders. They can translate technical language into business language, which is easier for non-technical teams to understand.
. Customer Oriented: BDD developers focus on the end user's needs, which can help businesses create products that meet their customers' requirements.
. Reduction in Misunderstandings: BDD involves creating specific examples to clarify requirements. This can reduce misunderstandings between team members and stakeholders.
. High Quality Code: BDD developers write code that is easy to maintain and modify. This can reduce time and costs in the long term.
. Efficient Testing: BDD developers write tests before the actual software, which can help them identify and fix bugs early in the development process.
. Documentation: BDD provides a form of live documentation. Since the scenarios are written in a language that is understandable by all, they can be used as a reference for future development and testing.
. Faster Delivery: With BDD, developers can identify and address issues earlier in the development process, which can lead to faster product delivery.
. Less Rework: BDD helps in reducing the amount of rework needed. As the requirements are clearly understood and agreed upon at the beginning of the project, the chances of rework are greatly reduced.
. More Collaboration: BDD encourages collaboration between different roles. This can result in more innovative solutions and a more successful product overall.
. Business Value: BDD focuses on delivering features that provide the most business value. This ensures that the work being done aligns with the business's goals and objectives.